Quality southern Angus weaners on offer
Quality southern Angus weaners on offer Click to check the original article.
Quality southern Angus weaners on offer Click to check the original article.
“We had a beautiful start with the heat during mid to late September, which was good for planting and germination, but the weather cooled off during October which slowed the crop development, now that the heat of December has hit, we are hoping the crop will catch up on an extra week or two of […]
The Watt family, GJ & J Watt, Cowaramup, will present a total draft of 83 rising PTIC two-year-old Angus heifers at the Elders Special Beef Female Sale at Boyanup on Friday, January 12. The Watts draft consists of 35 syncro AI mated Angus heifers to calve for 20 days from February 24 to Chiltern Park […]
In regions with early frosts you need to sow biennial vegies in late January if you want to harvest them in winter. Click to check the original article.
Meet Joe the automated sprayer – he's here to help Click to check the original article.
We asked these ag experts, what do they want to be a priority in 2024? Click to check the original article.
“I can’t reconcile the fact that every Australian will get a free vote on the vitally important issue of the Voice, yet National Party MPs are expected to fall into line behind a party position that I fundamentally disagree with, and vote accordingly in Parliament,” Mr Gee said at the time. Click to check the […]
“As part of their evidence collection activities investigators will examine the level crossing infrastructure and rollingstock, interview involved parties and any witnesses, examine truck and train operational information, recover any relevant components for further examination at the ATSB’s laboratories in Canberra, and analyse any recorded information,” the bureau said. Click to check the original article.
“As part of their evidence collection activities investigators will examine the level crossing infrastructure and rollingstock, interview involved parties and any witnesses, examine truck and train operational information, recover any relevant components for further examination at the ATSB’s laboratories in Canberra, and analyse any recorded information,” the bureau said. Click to check the original article.
Rockhampton storm chaser Peter Turner’s amazing images. Click to check the original article.
“I think everyone understands the department cannot keep the school ‘in recess’ indefinitely, but with some new young families moving into the area in the last 12 months, there should be one last opportunity given to the community to locate and enrol students, before the final bell in rung on the school.” Click to check […]
Maintaining good groundcover is always an important aspect Click to check the original article.