Blog Post

How to create a sweet-smelling winter garden

Fragranced plants may be harder to come across in winter months, says Lia Leendertz, but a little effort will reap deliciously sweet-smelling rewards both inside and outside the home. An odd thing might happen as you walk down a city street on a mild winter’s day. Everything seems dull and grey, the colourful blooms of […]

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The architecture of Henry James: How real-life country houses found their way into the work of one of our greatest writers

The stories of Henry James are full of descriptions of country houses. Jeremy Musson explores the messages these houses convey, with the help of specially commissioned drawings by Matthew Rice for Country Life. In English Hours (1905), Henry James suggested that ‘the well-appointed, well-administered, well-filled country house’ was the only thing the English had ‘mastered completely […]

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