Game, set and match for juniors at Merredin
Game, set and match for juniors at Merredin Click to check the original article.
Game, set and match for juniors at Merredin Click to check the original article.
Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and helped develop a region – its history, tourism, education and communications. Get in touch at 0427 575 955 if you’ve got a story idea for me. Based at […]
Australian bull rider Ky Hamilton has been sidelined for the next round of the US National Finals Rodeo competition. Click to check the original article.
Finance provider StockCo partners with Ruminati. Click to check the original article.
An Atherton Tablelands woman has shared the brutal reality of life in the outback in a new book Click to check the original article.
A lab in Rockhampton is bringing sexed semen to northern Australian beef producers. Click to check the original article.
Sporting events for motorbike enthusiasts in rural Queensland may become thin on the ground. Click to check the original article.
The Wollemi tree thrived hundreds of millions of years ago, and was thought to have disappeared some 90 million years ago — but a chance discovery brought it back, and it’s now thriving in Britain as Annunciata Elwes reports. Saplings of rare Wollemi pine trees dating back to the time of the dinosaurs have been shipped […]
The expanded Nuseed team in WA includes newly-appointed area sales manager north, Callum Pestel (left) and customer sales representative, Pippa Reilly, with Hugh Trenorden, regional sales manager west, Michael Hickey, market development manager, and Andrew Royce, area sales manager south. Click to check the original article.
I have comprehensive experience in rural and regional journalism, as well as more than six years as a media officer for several politicians and worked in local government. I rejoined The Land in May 2022 and have loved being back in harness, reporting on a massive range of topics. I have comprehensive experience in rural […]
Coolah growers left smiling from ear to ear after bumper harvest Click to check the original article.
Your story matters, your voice deserves to be heard and I would love to help you share it. I have five years of experience as a Journalist with Australian Community Media covering an array of topics, with a key focus on breaking news and crime and a passion for people. E: [email protected]. Your story matters, […]