Cloncurry rail yards to receive 'overdue' facelift
Rail yard upgrade could increase cattle numbers on train. Click to check the original article.
Rail yard upgrade could increase cattle numbers on train. Click to check the original article.
Melanie Johnson shares a beautiful winter dish, combining the earthy flavours of kalettes with coconut curry prawns. Kalettes, or kale sprouts, are a cross between kale and Brussels sprouts. The nutritious greens can be eaten raw or cooked, and in this delicious recipe they are combined with coconut curry prawns. ‘Kalettes combine the nuttiness of […]
Central west property Byambee has sold at auction for $1597/acre. Click to check the original article.
Kate Light, senior canola breeder at Nutrien Ag Solutions for the Dyna-Gro Canola program, which develops canola varieties from its lab in Horsham, Victoria, and in the paddocks, said DG Avon TT was first tested in Nutrien’s research and development yield trials in 2019 and it entered the National Variety Trials (NVT) in 2022 with […]
The Bureau of Meteorology has upgraded its warnings for Severe Tropical Cyclone Jasper. Click to check the original article.
Combined agents yard 2597 head of cattle more than previous week’s sale. Click to check the original article.
Click on image for a larger view AS the book closes on stud and commercial bull sales for the year, 2023 will be remembered as a tough time for many bull breeders, delivering significantly lower average prices and catalogue clearance rates compared with the previous two years. With final sales for the year held last […]
WEATHER forecasts have been all the talk this year, with plenty of discussion about a dry year ahead followed by widespread storms throughout November. Many have argued the dull outlook and subsequent reporting of it has contributed to a loss of confidence in livestock markets – which have seen a significant rally since the rain. […]
Michelle Bordignon (Dept Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water), grower Dean Sgroi (grower), Sunwater’s Will Weaver, Cy Kovacich, Water Minister Glenn Butcher, grower Peter Hall and Jason Williams (Dept Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water). Pic supplied Click to check the original article.
THERE were 25,195 stud and herd bulls sold this year among the ten largest beef breeds listed in Beef Central’s 2023 annual bull sales summary. Our 2023 report includes this summary of numbers of bulls sold, and a separate article discussing average prices paid. The same ten breeds last year accounted for 26,097 bulls, representing […]
Yarding 7700 Change +3650 Cattle numbers at Dalby more than doubled the previous weeks level to 7,653 head. Stock were drawn from a wide area with 95 head from Victoria 619 from New South Wales plus 326 from far Western Queensland. Buyer attendance was not as good as the previous week with a couple of […]
Food security presents real and growing challenges to Australia, an Australian Parliament’s Agriculture Committee inquiry has found. The inquiry into food security in Australia examined ways to strengthen and safeguard Australia’s food security, focusing on production, supply chains and key inputs, as well as climate change, biosecurity and food insecurity. Handing down the report today, […]