Confidence on display at Junior Sheep Auctioneers Competition
Junior auctioneers showed passion and style at the Sydney Royal. Click to check the original article.
Junior auctioneers showed passion and style at the Sydney Royal. Click to check the original article.
Brown Swiss breed turns the judge’s eye at Sydney Royal Dairy Cattle Show. Click to check the original article.
A big wind farm has been unveiled, this time in southern NSW. Click to check the original article.
Feeder steers showed improvements of 5 – 10c/kg. Click to check the original article.
Purchased for $36,000 from John Gardner at Avonlea Holsteins, Nar Nar Goon, Vic, and prepared by Cherrylock Cattle Co, Tallygaroopna, Vic, Anthony and Caitlin Coombes said the investment in genetics would build another arm of their business while providing an outlet for their children, Matthew, Bella and Samuel, who are now interested in showing cattle. […]
The WA Government has entered exclusive lease negotiations with Cargill Australia for a canola crush plant in Kwinana. Click to check the original article.
The yarding was drawn from local and coastal areas. Click to check the original article.
The upgrade, together with an increase in opening hours, will greatly benefit WA graingrowers according to Ryan Lamp, general manager CSBP Fertilisers, who said his company typically imported about half a million tonnes of solid product each year to its Kwinana works. Click to check the original article.
A unique history of tick resistance and breeding innovation. Click to check the original article.
Indian sandalwood producer Quintis Australia in receivership. Click to check the original article.
It was a bittersweet day at the Premer Field Day as Simon Thompson retired from the coordinator role. Click to check the original article.
Fall armyworm has impacted early oats plantings with experts now concerned for more cereal crops. Click to check the original article.