Exploring farm ruins for art's sake
Relics provide inspiration for artwork. Click to check the original article.
Relics provide inspiration for artwork. Click to check the original article.
In what year did the Kimberley Meat Company abattoir near Broome, which was placed into voluntary liquidation in March 2024, officially open? The Brahman breed was developed from Bos indicus cattle which originated in which country? <p>Click or tap on country</p> {“description”:””,”height”:100,”id”:0,”imageHeight”:0,”imageWidth”:0,”name”:”circle_0″,”rotation”:0,”scaleX”:0.5981441070067759,”scaleY”:0.5981441070067761,”score”:3,”shape”:”circle”,”width”:100,”x”:423.2702988628809,”y”:141.16925360721157,”__type”:”HotspotItem”} How many renewable energy projects are now in the… Click to check the […]
Classes will be held at aged care facilities in Northam on Monday, April 8, followed by aged care and an open community session in York at the Town Hall building on Tuesday, April 9, aged care centres in Kellerberrin and Merredin on Wednesday, April 10 and Thursday, April 11 and culminating in aged care and […]
Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and helped develop a region – its history, tourism, education and communications. Get in touch at 0427 575 955 if you’ve got a story idea for me. Based at […]
The aviation-themed cinema room is not the only stand-out feature of this £3.5m property. We lift the lid on why Northbrooks is a house that ‘screams fun’. If you like somewhere with an atmosphere to watch the latest blockbuster, you’ll be hard pressed to find a more unique setting than this: the cinema room at […]
A last-minute entry due to three day sickness has taken out two of the major Guernsey titles at Sydney Royal on Tuesday. Click to check the original article.
A late career change has delivered an accountant a blue ribbon. Click to check the original article.
Grace Collins strives to open doors for young people in agriculture Click to check the original article.
Rural Queensland has lost a visionary with the recent passing of David Camm of Camm Agricultural Group on Good Friday. Click to check the original article.
A point not widely reported following the deaths of about 150 Australian cattle on a livestock shipment to Indonesia last week is that about 50 cattle from the same property also died at the same time in the pre-export yards near Darwin. A file image of the Brahman Express loading cattle in Darwin. Image courtesy […]
Image: Ben Poulter. Australia’s carbon market has been called into question again, with a group of scientists alleging that carbon sequestration in a large portion of the projects has been overstated. Led by Australian National University professor Andrew MacIntosh, the scientists trawled through Australia’s human induced regeneration projects – which aim to promote the growth […]
Beef producers seeking financial support to boost their business will be able to explore their options with the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority at Beef Australia 2024 in May. For those with aspirations of launching their grazing venture, QRIDA’s First Start Loan offers up to $2 million as a financial stepping stone to purchase […]