Bunge celebrates 100 years in Australia
The company operates a port terminal in Bunbury, two storage facilities in Arthur River and Kukerin. Click to check the original article.
The company operates a port terminal in Bunbury, two storage facilities in Arthur River and Kukerin. Click to check the original article.
THE Albanese Government is today adding feral goats to its war on invasive species, announcing a series of measures to control them including aerial culling and baiting. Feral goats are found in every state and territory and are a threat to the survival of 128 threatened plant and animal species, including the brush-tailed rock wallaby […]
THERE is a shortage of veterinarians in Australia generally but this problem is especially acute in most areas of rural and remote Australia. The list of reasons for the shortage is long and not the subject of this discussion except to say that considering the production rate of new graduates and the declining chances […]
Do you have tickets for the Western Rural Connect Harvest ball? Click to check the original article.
Acknowledging the changes in circumstance bring “a different dynamic to the situation” between the two parties, Mr Love said the parties needed to maintain their focus on keeping the government to account, as well as the situation confronting many people in regional WA, which he said was “frankly diabolical”. Click to check the original article.
Fires burning at Tenterfield this week. Photo: Jesse Moody PRODUCERS across the country have been busy fighting fires for the past two months, with fires in almost every state and landholders taking a large part of the responsibility. More than 2.7 million hectares has already burnt across Northern Australia, with blazes still burning across hundreds […]
Queensland’s road death toll continues to rise after Mackay fatality Click to check the original article.
A Protected Industrial Action by the Community and Public Sector Union involving export processing meat inspectors and on-plant vets could see beef plants Australia-wide grind to a halt on Wednesday and Friday next week. The action, linked to a wages dispute with the Federal Government, is clearly designed for maximum effect – at a time […]
Invermien Stud, one of Scone district’s best properties, has sold following an expressions of interest campaign. Click to check the original article.
Helen (left) and Emma Robertson holding daughter Florence, WM & CM Robertson, Boyup Brook and Ginette Corker, Lilliana Ruffino, Rachel and Heidi Corker, Blackwood SheepMaster stud, Kulikup, following the Blackwood sale. The Robertsons were the sales volume buyer with 16 rams at an average of $2619 and $4400 top price and included the charity ram […]
Very good sales included 78 Poll Dorset/Merino lambs weighing 39.2kg sold by Matthew Booth, Yass, for $65; 91 second-cross Poll Dorset lambs weighing 42kg sold by Yass Earthmovers, Yass, for $76.20, while their second pen of 163 lambs weighing 36.3kg sold for $59.60. Click to check the original article.
PORTS: Marshall worried ‘strong-arm’ tactics on IPART could sink Newcastle container plans Click to check the original article.