Blog Post

MLA launches manual for covered housing systems in Australian feedlots

Solar panels on a covered housing system in Australia. Image: Action Steel Australian lot feeders have access to a new manual that can help them weigh-up the different options and considerations for covered housing systems. Climatic variability, combined with the Australian lot feeding industry’s shade and shelter initiative has seen an unprecedented interest in covered and partially […]

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Status quo to remain as EU trade deal discussions stall

NEGOTIATIONS for a free trade agreement with the European Union have stalled before they began, with red meat quota being one of the big problems from the Australian side. Trade minister Don Farrell is in Osaka, Japan, this week for the G7 trade ministers meeting and said he had full intentions of inking an FTA […]

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Wagga sale 30 Oct 2023: Well-finished cattle in demand

Yarding 3780 Change +800 Wagga cattle sale saw a notable increase in cattle numbers with 3780 yarded. The quality of cattle on offer remained consistently very good, especially in terms of finished cattle across various trade categories. Most notably, the prices for these well-finished trade cattle continued to enjoy robust demand, with a prominent supermarket chain […]

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Smaller 8111 head online offering delivers young cattle price lifts

These 126 Angus PTIC heifers aged 24-26 months averaging 494kg from Adaminaby, NSW returned $1330/head on Friday, going to a buyer near Wodonga, VIC. MOST young cattle categories saw prices lift in online trading last week, as AuctionsPlus registered a smaller 8111 head offering. The commercial cattle catalogue was down six percent on the previous […]

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