Blog Post

Webinar series to focus management of beef on dairy crossbreds

Oklahoma State University Extension has announced a new webinar series, “Rancher’s Thursday Lunchtime Series,” that will run every Thursday at noon from April 4-May 2, 2024. The webinar will cover the management of dairy-beef crossbreds in the beef production system. Presentations will include research dealing with the effects of sire selection and early life management […]

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John Lewis-Stempel: Never look after other people’s animals

Our countryside columnist does a friend a favour, and ends up having to free a half-ton heifer from a muddy trench. For show business, W. C. Fields coined the axiom: ‘Never work with children or animals.’ The farming version of this sagacity is: ‘Never look after other people’s animals, be they pets or livestock.’ Today […]

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Bill seeks fairer market prices for Livestock Indemnity Program

U.S. Senators Mike Rounds, R-S.D., and Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., have introduced legislation to offer producers fairer market prices for livestock disaster assistance programs. The Livestock Indemnity Program Improvement Act would require the Farm Service Agency (FSA) to make quarterly updates to Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) payment rates that reflect livestock market prices. The LIP provides […]

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EMIT LESS Act garners bi-partisan applause

The agricultural sector has been under scrutiny for several years for its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, especially the livestock sector. Enteric methane, which is naturally emitted during the digestive process of most livestock species, has been deemed the single largest source of agricultural methane emissions. Garnering support from a diverse coalition, including agricultural and […]

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Counting butterflies to calm the anxious mind

A new study suggests that taking the time to watch and count butterflies can reduce anxiety, as well as providing vital information in the fight for nature. We know that when people feel connected to Nature they are more motivated to protect it and we often champion citizen-science projects in these pages. Now, a pioneering […]

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Humans pass more viruses to animals than we catch from them

Humans pass on more viruses to domestic and wild animals than we catch from them, according to a major new analysis of viral genomes by University College London researchers. For the new paper published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, the team analyzed all publicly available viral genome sequences, to reconstruct where viruses have jumped from […]

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