Helicopter pilot likely 'disorientated' before fatal crash 6km from home
Helicopter pilot likely 'disorientated' before fatal crash 6km from home Click to check the original article.
Helicopter pilot likely 'disorientated' before fatal crash 6km from home Click to check the original article.
In a rare show of bipartisan consensus, the Senate easily passed a resolution Thursday to overturn USDA’s rule allowing Paraguayan fresh beef imports. The resolution now moves to the House for consideration. Last November, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service finalized a rule allowing fresh beef imports from Paraguay. The new rule only allows […]
Maccas Angus sells 620 females for a $1752 average at Gloucester Click to check the original article.
The upcoming marketing school that we are holding in April is another sell out. My wife is working on setting up more schools for later this year, and we hope to announce those dates and locations soon. The chatter on the seats at auctions is always entertaining to me. People see the market differently. Some […]
The prime minister congratulated him for ‘amazing achievement’. Click to check the original article.
The new property hotspot, the house names that command the highest prices, and how the appeal of Grade Listed homes could be fading. Here’s our round-up of what’s happening in the world of bricks and mortar. The new housing hotspot is…Chard There are several places that sprung to mind when I tried to guess where […]
Britain’s best topiary artists, both professional and amateur, are being sought out in a new topiary award. The search is on for Britain’s best topiary artists thanks to the inaugural Topiary Awards, which are now open for entries until May 31. The awards are being run — fittingly — by a garden ladder specialist called […]
Trebrea Lodge near Tintagel is more of a manor house, and is ready to become the ideal Cornish family home. What do you think when you hear the word ‘lodge’? Is it, a small property, likely no more than three bedrooms, likely in a wilderness? Or do you think: ‘No, a lodge is a Grade […]
Only one exhibitor but commitment to the heritage English sheep breed Click to check the original article.
Sydney Royal 2024 purebred steer auction results. Click to check the original article.
Mike Pearson tells listeners about the latest in the fight between the Bureau of Land Management and ranchers over the Greater Sage Grouse. A new proposal is unlikely to stop the friction. The federal government owns 27.4 percent of all the surface land– that’s 245 million acres and the BLM wants the last word on […]
Trial weighs up integrated forestry and grazing systems. Click to check the original article.