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A beautiful medieval-style house and estate in the heart of Surrey’s ‘Golden Triangle’

A beautiful medieval-style house and estate in the heart of

Old Timbers is a wonderfully romantic house and grounds just outside Guildford — and while it’s been there a long time,
Curious Questions: Why do we call a waterproof rain coat a mackintosh?

Curious Questions: Why do we call a waterproof rain coat

Scotland has turned out endless inventors of great genius in the past few hundred years, and Charles Macintosh — the man
May Hill: A walk across the summit of Gloucestershire

May Hill: A walk across the summit of Gloucestershire

May Hill, with its spectacular views lit by winter sun, has a promise of the spring to come, as in
Confused between decorative and architectural lighting? You’re not alone, but help is at hand

Confused between decorative and architectural lighting? You’re not alone, but

At last, says Giles Kime, help is at hand for anyone blinded by the byzantine complexity of architectural lighting. When
The home of the man who first bred Aberdeen Angus cattle is now up for sale in Scotland

The home of the man who first bred Aberdeen Angus

Elegantly presented with divine gardens and paddocks, Tillyfour House is an irresistible Georgian property that will no doubt appeal to
Fallow Deer: Britain’s most beautiful deer

Fallow Deer: Britain’s most beautiful deer

Shy and elegant — yet far more hardy than its fragile appearance implies — the spotty-coated fallow deer is now
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland: The spectacular border town with a castle that changed hands 13 times

Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland: The spectacular border town with a castle that

Berwick-upon-Tweed spent centuries as a pawn in Anglo-Scottish conflict; today, it’s a charming border town with spectacular sights. Clive Aslet
A beautiful Suffolk country house that’s spent over 500 years in the same family

A beautiful Suffolk country house that’s spent over 500 years

The Copingers have been at Copinger Hall for half a millennium, in an incredible — though not unbroken — line of
How to use oranges to brighten up your February food, by Tom Parker Bowles

How to use oranges to brighten up your February food,

It may look a little dull compared with other fruit, but the zingy orange was once the preserve of kings
Fast train to loss of trust: HS2 and Wildlife Trusts at loggerheads over impact on Nature

Fast train to loss of trust: HS2 and Wildlife Trusts

James Fisher reports on the claims and counter-claims flying between HS2 and conservationists. A row has flared up between The
A medieval house complete with moat and bridge that’s been evolving for seven centuries

A medieval house complete with moat and bridge that’s been

Swannington Hall’s oldest elements date back more than half a millennium, yet successive generations have all left their mark, as
Ewelme, Oxfordshire: The medieval almshouses set up by Chaucer’s grand-daughter and still running today

Ewelme, Oxfordshire: The medieval almshouses set up by Chaucer’s grand-daughter

Country Life’s 21st century Grand Tour of Britain stops off at the remarkable church and almshouses at Ewelme, Oxfordshire. You