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Beef Central 2024 study tour: networking and learning in Texas

Beef Central 2024 study tour: networking and learning in Texas

WITH plenty of interest already being shown in Beef Central’s 2024 US study tour and seats starting to book up,
Grid pricing has boosted cattle profits, improved consumer beef

Grid pricing has boosted cattle profits, improved consumer beef

Kansas State University agricultural economists have completed a broad analysis of the impact of grid pricing in the cattle industry,
Cattle prices march higher… and higher

Cattle prices march higher… and higher

Feeder cattle prices have increased sharply in 2023.  Figure 1 shows the increase in Oklahoma combined auction feeder prices that
Feed prices favor limit-feeding stockers a high energy diet

Feed prices favor limit-feeding stockers a high energy diet

By Erin Laborie, University of Nebraska Extension For cattle producers that are set up to feed calves in a bunk,
Farmer sentiment notably lower in August

Farmer sentiment notably lower in August

Producer sentiment was notably lower in August, as the Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer index dipped 8 points to
Business transformation earns national award for Droughtmasters

Business transformation earns national award for Droughtmasters

A MAJOR organisational restructure and brand refresh launched four years ago has earned breed society Droughtmaster Australia top honours as
Alternative indicators for pregnancy success

Alternative indicators for pregnancy success

ACHIEVING successful pregnancies, particularly among the replacement female cohort in any herd requires a degree of pre-planning. Recommendations for producers
Weekly genetics review: What are some common sources of confusion over BreedPlan?

Weekly genetics review: What are some common sources of confusion

IN RECENT weeks Beef Central has published several articles within the genetics field that have drawn an interesting range of
Weekly kill: Processor grids softer again as challenging conditions extend wider

Weekly kill: Processor grids softer again as challenging conditions extend

The wave of price corrections in direct consignment slaughter cattle shows no sign of letting up, as many eastern states
Genetic investment pays off as Southern Qld heifers top at $1900

Genetic investment pays off as Southern Qld heifers top at

Julie and Jeremy Shaw with their son Leo at today’s Roma Sale. Photo: Brad Neven A LARGE run of Angus
AA Co shares take a tumble, as stock disappears off S&P Index

AA Co shares take a tumble, as stock disappears off

  AUSTRALIAN Agricultural Co shares took a significant hit yesterday, falling seven percent on a day of particularly active sell-downs.
Monthly beef exports reach three-and-a-half year high in August

Monthly beef exports reach three-and-a-half year high in August

AUSTRALIAN beef exports in August have hit a three-and-a-half year high, driven mostly by rapidly deteriorating seasonal conditions forcing more