Blog Post

Weekly kill: Mid-winter slaughter grids find a level

Weekly kill: Mid-winter slaughter grids find a level

THE balance between slaughter cattle supply/demand, and added factors like processing labour capacity, appears to have found a level of
Farm sector debt hits $109.9 billion, up $9b in one year

Farm sector debt hits $109.9 billion, up $9b in one

ABARES Executive Director Dr Jared Greenville said the cumulative value of loans outstanding has increased from $100.7 billion at 30
$24.4m partnership to tackle three beef threats in northern Australia

$24.4m partnership to tackle three beef threats in northern Australia

A new $24.4 million partnership between Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and MLA is planning to address three significant
US beef cow herd slumps to lowest level since 1971

US beef cow herd slumps to lowest level since 1971

DROUGHT impact has seen the US beef cow herd slump to its lowest level in 51 years, a report issued
Bion initiates start-up of livestock waste treatment project

Bion initiates start-up of livestock waste treatment project

Bion Environmental Technologies Inc., a leader in advanced livestock waste treatment technology and premium sustainable beef, announced that it has
Michigan Beef Industry Commission restores state checkoff

Michigan Beef Industry Commission restores state checkoff

The Michigan Beef Industry Commission (MBIC) recently voted to restore a state checkoff program on the sale of cattle in
Cattle report shows no herd rebuilding in sight

Cattle report shows no herd rebuilding in sight

USDA’s July “Cattle” report showed that the U.S. beef cow herd continued to decline through the first half of the
USDA raises cattle price projections

USDA raises cattle price projections

Feedlot placements, as well as feeder and stocker sales receipt data, during the first half of 2023 point to a
K-State expert outlines safe practices when working on the farm

K-State expert outlines safe practices when working on the farm

Safety on the farm is always important, but especially when working with large equipment and implements. Taking simple precautionary steps
Why Simon Quilty has a bullish five year outlook for cattle prices

Why Simon Quilty has a bullish five year outlook for

WITH the American cattle herd heading for a 70-year low and Australian meat needed to fill the void, livestock prices
Steer markets trend down, while most heifers lift in 8422 head online offering

Steer markets trend down, while most heifers lift in 8422

This line of 260 Red Poll steers 7-10 months averaging 289kg from Tambo, Queensland returned $1040 or 359c/kg. Click on
NABRC welcomes $24.4m funding for pasture research priorities

NABRC welcomes $24.4m funding for pasture research priorities

The North Australia Beef Research Council (NABRC) has welcomed an announcement by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and