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Top 25 Lotfeeders: No. 11 Morgan family, Arubial Pty Ltd

Top 25 Lotfeeders: No. 11 Morgan family, Arubial Pty Ltd

  Location: Lillyvale Feedlot, Condamine QLD Capacity: 26,500 SCU 2015 Top 25 position: 21 (12,000 head); 2003 position: 15 (12,000
Opinion: the big part of the safeguard mechanism attracting little attention

Opinion: the big part of the safeguard mechanism attracting little

Aurecon director and Carbon Market Institute board member Raphael Wood In this contributed article, Raphael Wood argues that debate over
Qld Govt outlines low emissions agriculture plan

Qld Govt outlines low emissions agriculture plan

THE Queensland Government has released its “low emissions agriculture roadmap”, which sets out the role the industry will likely play
Innovation helping to bring Aussie farmers home safely every night

Innovation helping to bring Aussie farmers home safely every night

  James and Paul Diamond, principals of agtech startup AirAgri, on the family property at Mansfield, are putting safety for
Drought and pasture management 2023

Drought and pasture management 2023

At the conclusion of a winter of feeding cows, this time of year we, (and the cows), look forward to
Better beef biosecurity needed | Beef Magazine

Better beef biosecurity needed | Beef Magazine

A good on-farm biosecurity plan is the best way to prevent the introduction of outside diseases that could cause devastation
Livestock groups back bills to expand meat packing capacity

Livestock groups back bills to expand meat packing capacity

National livestock groups have come together to support Congressional efforts to expand opportunities for industry to invest in meat packing
Beef production decreasing; prices higher

Beef production decreasing; prices higher

As has been anticipated for several months, beef production is decreasing in 2023.  In the last four weeks, beef production
Top 25 Lotfeeders: No. 12 Thomas Foods International

Top 25 Lotfeeders: No. 12 Thomas Foods International

Location: TFI Southern Cross Feedlot, Tintinara South Australia One-time capacity: 28,000 SCU – 30,000 head 2015 Top 25 position: n/a      2003 position: n/a
Deal landed to pass safeguard mechanism changes

Deal landed to pass safeguard mechanism changes

THE Federal Government has landed a deal to pass changes to the country’s primary driver of carbon trading, with the
Where will live export prices stabilise?

Where will live export prices stabilise?

Australian cattle on feed in Indonesia. Nutrien was quoting prices of 420c/kg for Brahman export steers ex Darwin in mid-March
Registrations sell out for ICMJ Northern Conference in Beef Capital

Registrations sell out for ICMJ Northern Conference in Beef Capital

A record number of university students and young professionals in the red meat industry will converge in Rockhampton in April