Blog Post

Waste management company dumped imported pork products

Waste management company dumped imported pork products

Pork products that were incorrectly disposed of. The company responsible has now executed an Enforceable Undertaking for two years. Image
Scientists support red meat and livestock production

Scientists support red meat and livestock production

The Australian Meat Processor Corporation and Meat & Livestock Australia have brought nine scientists from around the world together in
How likely is LSD in Australia, a year on from Indonesian detection?

How likely is LSD in Australia, a year on from

  How likely a Lumpy Skin Disease incursion into Australia remains is subject to debate 12 months after the serious
Protein conference hears of Darling Downs’ plan to scale up intensive ag + PICS

Protein conference hears of Darling Downs’ plan to scale up

Paul McVeigh ONE of Australia’s largest lotfeeding areas has outlined its intention to scale up intensive agriculture industries, reducing its
Dealing with open cows in today’s markets

Dealing with open cows in today’s markets

The time commitment and financial investment in developing a replacement heifer is a daunting task―especially when one can come up
Celebrating agriculture more than one day

Celebrating agriculture more than one day

The capital spotlight shined on agriculture today as Washington D.C. marked the 50th National Ag Day. If Agriculture Secretary Tom
Rabobank: China’s reopening provides opportunities for beef

Rabobank: China’s reopening provides opportunities for beef

It’s no secret the U.S. beef herd size has shrunk due to the drought in 2022 and beef prices are
Vet answers questions on FDA antibiotic prescription requirement

Vet answers questions on FDA antibiotic prescription requirement

Veterinarians are getting their prescription pads ready as farmers will need them for several antibiotics used to treat livestock starting
Promoting beef in a digital world

Promoting beef in a digital world

In 2004, a Harvard University student started a social networking website that eventually would change how most people spend their
Increasing lifetime productivity by selecting for stayability

Increasing lifetime productivity by selecting for stayability

STAYABILITY or longevity of breeding females and bulls in Australian beef herds is a hot button topic as producers seek
Sexed semen could be the next drought mitigation strategy for beef

Sexed semen could be the next drought mitigation strategy for

As semen sexing technology rapidly gains traction, commercial beef producers are increasingly turning to the process as a drought recovery
Weekly kill: Cattle prices continue rapid descent, as labour crisis comes into play

Weekly kill: Cattle prices continue rapid descent, as labour crisis

FIRST signs emerged this week that the labour crisis afflicting beef processing operations is having direct impact on cattle prices