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Fertilizing cool season grass pastures

Fertilizing cool season grass pastures

Fertilizing cool season grass is something many producers do each year while accounting for forage needs, moisture, the value of
For beef-on-dairy, Angus performs best

For beef-on-dairy, Angus performs best

Penn State has completed the third year of a four-year feedlot trial looking at the optimal genetics of beef-sired steers born to Holstein dams. 
Weak beef exports raises concerns

Weak beef exports raises concerns

Beef exports in January were down 15.7 percent year over year. Despite record beef exports in 2022, signs of a weakening
First signs of market stabilisation in 15,116 head online market

First signs of market stabilisation in 15,116 head online market

From Moonie, Queensland, this line of 62 Santa steers 6-8 months averaging 245kg returned $1370/head, or 558c/kg. A further 53
Brazil remains optimistic about China beef market re-start

Brazil remains optimistic about China beef market re-start

DESPITE approaching week-four of its China beef market suspension, Brazil remains optimistic about re-gaining access to its dominant beef export
Corporate Carbon purchases three Cape York properties, starts agriculture arm

Corporate Carbon purchases three Cape York properties, starts agriculture arm

The 89,000ha of well-grassed, undulating country on Watson River is currently running 2400 quality Brahman breeders which are included in
Top 25 Lotfeeders: No. 19 Lemontree

Top 25 Lotfeeders: No. 19 Lemontree

Location: Lemontree, Millmerran Qld One-time capacity: 20,000 head Annual turnoff: 48,000 head 2015 Top 25 position: 17; 2003 position: 18
Feedgrain Focus: South softens, north firms

Feedgrain Focus: South softens, north firms

While picking of Darling Downs cotton can start in March, it is a long way off for this crop at
All models are wrong, some are useful!

All models are wrong, some are useful!

“The Business of Beef ” is a regular series produced by the Bush Agribusiness team    “All models are wrong,
Innovation puts a stop to cattle slipping

Innovation puts a stop to cattle slipping

FINDING effective ways to stop cattle slipping on concrete has been an ongoing challenge for many livestock managers. A new
Going under cover: feedlot tour focusses on shade and shedding options

Going under cover: feedlot tour focusses on shade and shedding

A FEEDLOT tour taking place in May will focus specifically on shade and shedding concepts, design and construction. Registrations are
Don’t wait! Schedule your early

Don’t wait! Schedule your early

Nebraska and much of the Great Plains have experienced above normal snowfall coupled with extremely cold temperatures and high winds