Blog Post

Weekly kill: Grid prices continue to descend, but processor withdrawals make movements less clear

Weekly kill: Grid prices continue to descend, but processor withdrawals

THE recent trend in direct consignment slaughter cattle price declines continued this week, however price signals are now becoming less
Cotton seed fuels case for feed yards at Kununurra

Cotton seed fuels case for feed yards at Kununurra

COTTON seed may be a by-product of the expanding northern cotton industry but it could create even more economic value
Is the current cattle price decline as alarming as it first appears?

Is the current cattle price decline as alarming as it

ANYBODY looking at today’s Eastern Young Cattle Indicator graph, plotting prices for the past 12 months, might assume the world
Minnesota Nutrition Conference set for Sept. 21-22 in Mankato

Minnesota Nutrition Conference set for Sept. 21-22 in Mankato

The Minnesota Nutrition Conference will be held Sept. 21-22 at the Mayo Clinic Health System Event Center in Mankato, Minnesota. Now in its
Could high temperatures, drought hammer 2022 corn, soybeans?

Could high temperatures, drought hammer 2022 corn, soybeans?

Each spring USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Services releases a forecast that is basically U.S. farmers’ best guess of how many
Anaplasmosis in cattle | Beef Magazine

Anaplasmosis in cattle | Beef Magazine

Anaplasmosis is a common disease in cattle with worldwide distribution. The disease is regularly found in cattle in the state of
The importance of testing hay quality

The importance of testing hay quality

With hay season in full swing, now is the time to consider the quality and quantity of your inventory. When
Drought impacts Advancing Rapidly | Beef Magazine

Drought impacts Advancing Rapidly | Beef Magazine

The July Cattle Report confirmed that the cumulative effects of drought that past two years have accelerated liquidation of the
Port of Oakland shutdown a major roadblock for U.S. red meat exports

Port of Oakland shutdown a major roadblock for U.S. red

Protesters last week shut down operations at the Port of Oakland over a new trucking regulation that would limit independent operators. The
Farm Progress America, July 25, 2022

Farm Progress America, July 25, 2022

Max Armstrong shares insight on a report noting that to recover healthy salmon populations one or more Snake River dams
FMD and LSD could mean a $1b hit to regional Qld, report

FMD and LSD could mean a $1b hit to regional

A NEW report has forecast an outbreak of Foot and Mouth or Lumpy Skin disease to impact almost 34,000 regional
Six finalists announced for young lot feeder award

Six finalists announced for young lot feeder award

ALFA young lotfeeder finalists Ben Strahley (top left), Cameron Ninness, Mitchell Elliott, Jessica Wilcock (bottom left), Caitlin Herbert and Mitchell