Blog Post

Performance of beef x Holstein steers superior to straight-bred Holsteins

Performance of beef x Holstein steers superior to straight-bred Holsteins

Beef on dairy crossbreeding is a booming trend in the U.S., with national beef semen sales increasing by nearly 6.5
Ag groups raise concern about increased union powers

Ag groups raise concern about increased union powers

THE Government has passed one of its newest piece of industrial relations legislation – giving unions more power to come
Take a virtual feedlot tour, to see what makes grainfed industry tick

Take a virtual feedlot tour, to see what makes grainfed

The Australian Lot Feeders Association has launched its latest educational resource – a virtual feedlot tour – that promises to
Will we see more bullocks come out of the channel country this year?

Will we see more bullocks come out of the channel

Flooding at Kynuna Station homestead on the headwaters of the Diamantina catchment. Photo: Twitter/X IN THE wake of ex-tropical cyclone
Bush news trailblazers in spotlight at Rural Press Club lunch next Friday

Bush news trailblazers in spotlight at Rural Press Club lunch

Local journalism serves as the heartbeat of rural and regional communities across Australia, reporting on stories many big metro outlets
You service your ute or tractor, but what about your mental health?

You service your ute or tractor, but what about your

HOW often do you service your ute, tractor, or harvester? Or how often would you go for a run or
Feedgrain Focus: Prices soften amid thin export demand

Feedgrain Focus: Prices soften amid thin export demand

A sorghum crop planted at Breeza in mid-September and close to harvest. Photo: NSW DPI Agronomy NORTHERN markets for wheat
Anthrax detection on Victorian property near Shepparton

Anthrax detection on Victorian property near Shepparton

Veterinarians and animal health personnel are responding to the detection of anthrax on a beef property in the Shepparton region,
Retallick-Riley talks bovine congestive heart failure at 2024 CattleCon

Retallick-Riley talks bovine congestive heart failure at 2024 CattleCon

Cattle feeders who lose livestock to bovine congestive heart failure (BCHF) know the impact of the disease firsthand. Ready to
New feral hog bait garners support from Texas ag

New feral hog bait garners support from Texas ag

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller and Texas Farm Bureau are expressing support for a newly-approved toxicant, Kaput Feral Hog Bait.
Robust demand for U.S. pork, strong finish for beef in 2023

Robust demand for U.S. pork, strong finish for beef in

Led by a record-shattering performance in Mexico and broad-based growth in other markets, U.S. pork exports set a value record
Farm Progress America, February 9, 2024

Farm Progress America, February 9, 2024

Mike Pearson examines some new California environmental standards law and how it impacts more that agriculture. Last week, the U.S.