Blog Post

On the road to better effluent management

On the road to better effluent management

Chair of ALRTA’s Driver and Animal Welfare Committee, Graeme Hoare. Image: MLA.   EFFLUENT is an unavoidable by-product when livestock
Chris Howie: Two sides to supermarket story

Chris Howie: Two sides to supermarket story

It seems it is easier to bash business in Australia now than think about the economics behind any commercial operation.
National Feedbase Summary 5 February 2024

National Feedbase Summary 5 February 2024

Over the past two weeks, conditions for herbage mass have been very favourable across the eastern half of NSW, Qld
Australia’s January beef exports off to a flying start, at 75,585t

Australia’s January beef exports off to a flying start, at

Australian beef exports for January have had their strongest start for the year since the 2019-20 drought period, when slaughter
2023 calf care survey sheds light on health protocols

2023 calf care survey sheds light on health protocols

In the fall of 2023, Axiota distributed the Multimin® 90 calf care survey to cow-calf producers and stocker operators. Knowing
Opportunities for cattle producers in 2024

Opportunities for cattle producers in 2024

Given the climbing calf prices and shrinking herd sizes, what opportunities will 2024 present for cattle producers? Mark Robins, director
Industry shift: Top Australian feedlots embrace YoungStar mats

Industry shift: Top Australian feedlots embrace YoungStar mats

AN innovative flooring solution for high-traffic areas is helping Australia’s leading lotfeeders drive efficiency improvements and protect their margins. Youngstar
Market insights: Feeder cattle market

Market insights: Feeder cattle market

We talk feeder cattle market trends and get tips and tools for dealing with the market. Click to check the
Research sheds insight on replacement heifers

Research sheds insight on replacement heifers

We talk research for the cow-calf producer, particularly in regard to replacement heifers. Frank White, beef cattle technical consultant for
Carbon credits: What's in it for beef producers?

Carbon credits: What's in it for beef producers?

What practices are available to US cattle producers? Click to check the original article.
Long-duration implant vs reimplanting: What's the research show?

Long-duration implant vs reimplanting: What's the research show?

There continues to be debate about whether you truly need to reimplant or if a long-duration implant is enough. Click
Helping beef producers advance their legacy

Helping beef producers advance their legacy

The team at Furst-McNess knows how important it is to provide animals with a nutritional drench that not only boosts