Blog Post

NFF renews call for grocery code to be mandatory

NFF renews call for grocery code to be mandatory

AUSTRALIA’S peak farmer body has renewed its call for a mandatory Food and Grocery Code of Conduct with the ‘teeth’
Australian beef exports top 1.08mt in 2023

Australian beef exports top 1.08mt in 2023

  AUSTRALIA’S 2023 calendar year beef exports hit their highest level in five years last year, with shipments to more
Roma sale 9 Jan 2024: Market opens on higher rates

Roma sale 9 Jan 2024: Market opens on higher rates

Yarding 2713 Change -4666 Cattle were drawn from Cunnamulla, Western Qld, and the local supply district. All the regular buyers
Oklahoma State investigating impact of high growth, carcass traits

Oklahoma State investigating impact of high growth, carcass traits

Technological advances and breeding for higher growth and carcass traits have allowed producers to raise their cattle to higher weights
Mexico extends duty exemptions for imported pork, beef, poultry

Mexico extends duty exemptions for imported pork, beef, poultry

The Government of Mexico recently issued a decree extending zero-duty treatment of certain food imports – including pork, beef and
Farm Progress America, January 9, 2024

Farm Progress America, January 9, 2024

Mike Pearson takes a look at three tech companies seeking approval to take drivers out of semi-trucks completely. The self-driving
Are you on offense or defense in 2024?

Are you on offense or defense in 2024?

The majority of the cow-calf sector has been on the defense for the past two to three years due to
2024 Summer Lamb ad skewers the generation gap + VIDEO

2024 Summer Lamb ad skewers the generation gap + VIDEO

Sam Kekovich heads up MLA’s latest summer lamb ad campaign. Photo: MLA AUSTRALIAN Lamb and Meat & Livestock Australia have
Beef Central’s jobs ‘supermarket’ shows diverse ag career path choices

Beef Central’s jobs ‘supermarket’ shows diverse ag career path choices

Database engineering, cattle operations management, saleyards operations, livestock buying, meat sales, retail sales, livestock agency, workplace health and safety and
Carbon case: challenges ahead for Jigsaw Farms to maintain carbon neutral status

Carbon case: challenges ahead for Jigsaw Farms to maintain carbon

Jigsaw Farms owners Mark Wootton and Eve Kantor on their property in Western Victoria. Photo: supplied Jigsaw Farms This is
Weekly rainfall update + rainfall outlook 9 January 2024

Weekly rainfall update + rainfall outlook 9 January 2024

TROUGHS and associated upper level systems generated widespread rainfall across much of eastern, central and northern Australia during the week.
Nationals pressure government over slow start to supermarket price review

Nationals pressure government over slow start to supermarket price review

Labor’s Food and Grocery Code of Conduct Review launched 100 days ago and spruiked by agriculture minister Murray Watt as