Blog Post

Don't sell the farm for fake meat yet

Don't sell the farm for fake meat yet

Adjunct Professor Paul Woods AO advice on fake meat – it won’t give you a prime cut of beef. Click
Talbragar wins Scone wild card

Talbragar wins Scone wild card

Country Champs set to star at Royal Randwick. Click to check the original article.
Minns jets to Menindee to discuss fish kill

Minns jets to Menindee to discuss fish kill

Chris Minns is in Menindee being briefed on long-term measures to manage fish kills. Click to check the original article.
Time ripe for winter sowing in the wake of this week’s wet weather | The Land

Time ripe for winter sowing in the wake of this

“I can’t recall that much rain in one day,” said Richard Daugherty, who added up about 140mm for the duration
Combat engineer regiment at Townsville trains dogs for explosion detection | North Queensland Register

Combat engineer regiment at Townsville trains dogs for explosion detection

Joey’s uncle, Archie, is a successful explosive detection dog, and handlers at the regiment’s explosive detection dog section are hoping
Water buyback's social pain defended

Water buyback's social pain defended

As the water purchasing tender opens under the Bridging the Gap initiative, to buy another 49.2 GL from irrigators to
Regional voices must rise for live export

Regional voices must rise for live export

“Labor’s decision will make Australia responsible for the erosion of decades of animal welfare progress, overnight,” says The Nationals WA
Start-up plants seeds of hope for future

Start-up plants seeds of hope for future

All is not lost despite current volatility in international money markets. Click to check the original article.
Steers top at 504c at Roma

Steers top at 504c at Roma

There were 5618 cattle offered at Roma’s store sale on Tuesday. Click to check the original article.
Well located, low cost breeding country

Well located, low cost breeding country

Percy Springs is a well located 6915 hectare freehold property estimated to sustainably run about 500-600 breeders. Click to check
Meet the new Mount Garnet Rodeo Queen Quest entrants for 2023

Meet the new Mount Garnet Rodeo Queen Quest entrants for

What makes a rodeo queen? Is it her horse-riding ability, rodeo knowledge or community involvement? Three young north Queensland women
Ryegrass resistance continues to grow

Ryegrass resistance continues to grow

Last season’s wet conditions saw ryegrass run rampant and post-emergent herbicides are not the answer. Click to check the original