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Canberra Royal 2023: Charolais results

Canberra Royal 2023: Charolais results

WINCHESTER LIVESTOCK has dominated the Charolais ring taking our all major awards. Click to check the original article.
Muchea yearlings make $1808 | Farm Weekly

Muchea yearlings make $1808 | Farm Weekly

Other heavier steers secured by Harvey Beef consisted of individual Murray Grey steers with the first offered by Laver Pty
'Larger-than-life persona': Max Raine remembered friends and family

'Larger-than-life persona': Max Raine remembered friends and family

Max Raine passed away earlier this week. Click to check the original article.
Young backyard brand maker blazes into career swap

Young backyard brand maker blazes into career swap

A Rockhampton man has turned his backyard into a brand making business. Click to check the original article.
Canberra Royal 2023: Simmental results

Canberra Royal 2023: Simmental results

A total of 15 exhibited paraded before judge Sam Hunter, Agstock, Yass, with the grand champion female being names supreme.
Crocodile that attacked man, killed dog, shot dead in Far North Queensland

Crocodile that attacked man, killed dog, shot dead in Far

A four-point-two metre crocodile that attacked a man and ate his dog in far north Queensland has been shot dead
Canberra Royal 2023: Hereford results

Canberra Royal 2023: Hereford results

About 45 exhibits from 13 exhibitors entered the Hereford ring for judgment by Gerald Spry, Sprys Shorthorns and Angus, Holbrook,
Small yarding offloaded at Eumundi

Small yarding offloaded at Eumundi

The market remained firm for all descriptions. Click to check the original article.
Buyers selective at Boyanup

Buyers selective at Boyanup

Beef steers topped at $2051 and beef heifers sold to $1713 at this Boyanup store cattle sale, Click to check
Limousin dominate jackpot competition

Limousin dominate jackpot competition

Limousin cattle reigned supreme in the Canberra Royal beef cattle jackpot held last night with both the champion bull and
Fleckvieh steer raises $3000 for Dolly's Dream

Fleckvieh steer raises $3000 for Dolly's Dream

The Fleckvieh steer was donated by the Fleckvieh Society and went back into their hands ready for Sydney Royal. Click
AAM Longreach Pastoral College bid recruits extra support | Queensland Country Life

AAM Longreach Pastoral College bid recruits extra support | Queensland

Mr Edwards said that if AAM group was successful with its proposal, it would be looking at tertiary learning, veterinary