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Interstate riders soak up WA crop tour

Interstate riders soak up WA crop tour

The tour opened to wet conditions on the first day. Click to check the original article.
Egelabra Merino stud sells rams to every Eastern state | The Land

Egelabra Merino stud sells rams to every Eastern state |

Scott Thrift, Elders Stud Stock, Dubbo, auctioneer Paul Dooley, Tamworth, Hamish Cameron, Egelabra, Peter Keary and Neil Anderson, Danes Fort
Australian Limousin female record smashed by Summit Livestock | The Land

Australian Limousin female record smashed by Summit Livestock | The

Breaking the 34-year-old record, which was set at $35,000 for Tanhill Grenadie, purchased by Billabong Limousin Stud, Wagga Wagga, in
Fairy Springs reaches $200,000 twice on day three of Rockhampton Brahman Week 2022 | Queensland Country Life

Fairy Springs reaches $200,000 twice on day three of Rockhampton

Both high sellers were sold by the Streeter family, Fairy Springs Brahman stud, Taroom with the first being lot 849,
Kahmoo comes up trumps at Cunnamulla ram sale

Kahmoo comes up trumps at Cunnamulla ram sale

A return to their Cunnamulla home base has paid dividends for the Kahmoo Australian White sheep stud, which sold 52
Blyth Merinos supported by return buyers

Blyth Merinos supported by return buyers

The strength of a Merino stud can be gathered by looking at the number of return buyers Click to check
Rockhampton Brahman Week ends with a bang: all the vendor averages

Rockhampton Brahman Week ends with a bang: all the vendor

There was some big results on the final day at CQLX. Click to check the original article.
McCarthy Agriculture bullocks top 388c/kg to return $2355/hd at Mareeba | North Queensland Register

McCarthy Agriculture bullocks top 388c/kg to return $2355/hd at Mareeba

“There’s no difference in the type of cattle or anything like that, and sometimes the prices are stronger because there
Top price of $1800 at Bailup Downs Afrino stud ram sale at Southern Brook | Farm Weekly

Top price of $1800 at Bailup Downs Afrino stud ram

Cameron Wallis, CR Wallis, Bolgart, purchased three of the Afrino rams that had the finest micron wool test results this
Tara Station sold under the hammer

Tara Station sold under the hammer

North west property Tara Station has sold at a Nutrien Harcourts auction for $2.58 million. Click to check the original
Queensland Outback Barbarians finish fourth at Australian Rugby Shield | Queensland Country Life

Queensland Outback Barbarians finish fourth at Australian Rugby Shield |

Queensland Country committee member Murray Harley, a former Heelers player and ACT Brumbies representative, heads up the high performance department
Diesel motorists could be hit with substantial price hikes in the coming weeks | The North West Star

Diesel motorists could be hit with substantial price hikes in

“In the days before the Federal Government’s fuel excise cut ended, prices for unleaded increased significantly as part of the