Blog Post

Angus heifers re-write Roma Saleyards record | Queensland Country Life

Angus heifers re-write Roma Saleyards record | Queensland Country Life

Records are set to be broken and it is particularly humbling when you break your own records. But that’s certainly
JS Grazing rewrites its own record at Roma

JS Grazing rewrites its own record at Roma

The 2022 draft of JS Grazing heifers sold for a record of $3800/head at Roma Saleyards on Tuesday. Click to
Bathurst action group spokesman on NSW Government’s health inquiry response | The Land

Bathurst action group spokesman on NSW Government’s health inquiry response

“It’s easy to write stuff in a press release and say, ‘Due to the parliament inquiry, this is the steps
Spanish mackerel fishers call for compensation

Spanish mackerel fishers call for compensation

Queensland’s Agriculture Department will consider options to alleviate the impacts on Spanish mackerel commercial entitlement holders impacted by the announcement
Wallaby meat detected at Brisbane Airport | Queensland Country Life

Wallaby meat detected at Brisbane Airport | Queensland Country Life

While FMD affects all cloven-hoofed animals, including cattle, buffalo, camelids (alpacas, llamas and camels), sheep, goats, deer and pigs, it
Dozens of doggos descend on Roma for Dachshund Day

Dozens of doggos descend on Roma for Dachshund Day

Roma held it’s largest ever Dachshund Day on Saturday. Click to check the original article.
Farmers need the right tools says Croplife Australia | Farm Weekly

Farmers need the right tools says Croplife Australia | Farm

“Whether it’s new innovation, fertiliser, new crop protection products, whether they be organics, synthetic or biological, whether they be new
Outpouring of support for BMX Club

Outpouring of support for BMX Club

The club has received support from the Harley Owners Group, the Mount Isa Bow Hunters Club, CNW Electrical, JB Electrical
Bella Lana Poll Merino ram sale tops at $7500, averages $2450 | The Land

Bella Lana Poll Merino ram sale tops at $7500, averages

Joining Bella Lana blood ewes of four generations, the Cosgrove family, West Charlton, Rockley, returned for the fifth year to
Industry demands grain supply chain update | Farm Weekly

Industry demands grain supply chain update | Farm Weekly

Co-signed by CBH, WAFarmers, WA Grains Group and the Pastoralists and Graziers’ Association of WA, the letter explained that in
YOUR SAY: In praise for proactive Nuffield Scholars | The North West Star

YOUR SAY: In praise for proactive Nuffield Scholars | The

Congratulations to Jarrod Cook and Regan Lynch, who join 17 other aspiring young agricultural leaders as 2023 Nuffield Scholars (“Nuffield
Pilot sustains serious injuries in helicopter crash at Yaraka | Queensland Country Life

Pilot sustains serious injuries in helicopter crash at Yaraka |

Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family,