Blog Post

FWFWW Blog 6: Getting real and catching an eel

FWFWW Blog 6: Getting real and catching an eel

FWFWW: Ep 6: Benjamin sweats bullets while Paige wonders what on earth she’s doing there. Click to check the original
Ringers of the North: The Victorian youngster who headed north to Hughenden

Ringers of the North: The Victorian youngster who headed north

Tayne McDonald grew up in the rural town of Koroit. Click to check the original article.
Shirlee Downs White Suffolk makes $1400 | Farm Weekly

Shirlee Downs White Suffolk makes $1400 | Farm Weekly

With the $1400 top-priced White Suffolk ram sold by the Shirlee Downs stud, Quairading, at last weeks Shirlee Downs and
All the vendor averages from the final day of the Droughtmaster National

All the vendor averages from the final day of the

Check out all the vendor averages from day two of the Droughtmaster National Sale. Click to check the original article.
Nuffield scholarships for North West residents

Nuffield scholarships for North West residents

Local agriculture workers have received $30,000 bursaries. Click to check the original article.
50 years and still going strong

50 years and still going strong

The 2022 Newdegate Machinery Field Days showcased agriculture’s innovations as part of its 50th anniversary celebrations. Click to check the
People working with animals urged to get vaccinated against Q fever | Queensland Country Life

People working with animals urged to get vaccinated against Q

Dr Chor said people whose work exposed them to animals, animal products, and animal waste were particularly at risk of
Stallion parades return to the Hunter Valley

Stallion parades return to the Hunter Valley

Hunter Valley stallions impress visitors. Click to check the original article.
Post-flood layoffs for NSW dairy workers

Post-flood layoffs for NSW dairy workers

Hundreds of dairy workers from the NSW Northern Rivers are likely to lose their jobs. Click to check the original
Faces from day two of the DM National Bull Sale

Faces from day two of the DM National Bull Sale

See who was snapped on day two of the DM National Bull Sale. Click to check the original article.
Expect better access to a premium product

Expect better access to a premium product

WA has some of the best primary resources of SoP in the world, says Australian Potash Limited CEO. Click to
Coastal steers sell to $1400/head on AuctionsPlus | Queensland Country Life

Coastal steers sell to $1400/head on AuctionsPlus | Queensland Country

In all, increased numbers continue to be listed on AuctionsPlus weekly commercial cattle sales, with total listings hitting 14,416 head