Blog Post

Racegoers descend on Bong Bong despite threat of rain

Racegoers descend on Bong Bong despite threat of rain

Rain did not deter a few thousand people from attending Bong Bong Picnic races at Bowral. Click to check the
New cane grower technology a success

New cane grower technology a success

Cane growers are seeing the benefits of a new implement that has been rolled out as part of a NQ
Checklist helps with pre-season plans

Checklist helps with pre-season plans

The National Pest Information Network checklist aims to provide clear, standardised advice. Click to check the original article.
Adding legumes into the crop rotation proves profitable

Adding legumes into the crop rotation proves profitable

Nitrogen requirements on subsequent crops was much less boosting margins and the legacy also increased yields in canola. Click to
Canegrowers Rocky Point chair Greg Zipf blasts fire ant response a failure | Queensland Country Life

Canegrowers Rocky Point chair Greg Zipf blasts fire ant response

If the state government drops the ball on fire ant eradication the way they did with the varroa mite, then
Man flown to hospital after quad bike accident on property

Man flown to hospital after quad bike accident on property

The rescue helicopter was also called to another accident on Monday night. Click to check the original article.
Gulgong Wiltipoll sale sees top rams head to Victoria

Gulgong Wiltipoll sale sees top rams head to Victoria

Wiltipoll sheep breeders gathered at Gulgong for 15th annual sale. Click to check the original article.
Gympie on the rise

Gympie on the rise

Cattle were drawn from Booubyjan, Tansey, Kilkivan, Brooweena, Woolooga, Maryborough, Tiaro and all local areas. Click to check the original
Livestock truck crash near Beermullah

Livestock truck crash near Beermullah

A truck has rolled over at an intersection on Brand Highway Click to check the original article.
Frankland River harvest shows reliable grain genetics | Farm Weekly

Frankland River harvest shows reliable grain genetics | Farm Weekly

Three generations of farming at Frankland River. Simons father, Russ Hilder (left), with Emma Hilder, Dave Brayshaw, and Simon Hilder.
Taking a punt, buying a box of baby food

Taking a punt, buying a box of baby food

The Punter missed the cut-off date for the share purchase plan (SPP), but managed to pick up his shares in
Weekend to heat up again

Weekend to heat up again

This week’s mild weather is coming to an end Click to check the original article.