Blog Post

Buyer confidence pushes dearer market at Dubbo store sale

Buyer confidence pushes dearer market at Dubbo store sale

Numbers were up slightly this month with 125 head yarded. Click to check the original article.
New faces enter 2024 Beef Spectacular feedback trial

New faces enter 2024 Beef Spectacular feedback trial

Commercial value seen by entrants across the eastern seaboard. Click to check the original article.
New faces enter 2024 Beef Spectacular feedback trail

New faces enter 2024 Beef Spectacular feedback trail

Commercial value seen by entrants across the eastern seaboard. Click to check the original article.
Stunning photos from readers of The Land for National Agriculture Day

Stunning photos from readers of The Land for National Agriculture

Take a look at all the amazing photos. Click to check the original article.
Discount for non-mulesed sheep at Deniliquin| Photos

Discount for non-mulesed sheep at Deniliquin| Photos

Restockers with stubble underpinned store sheep sale at Deniliquin Click to check the original article.
eID UHF tag could save producers $800m savings, new report finds | Queensland Country Life

eID UHF tag could save producers $800m savings, new report

Prime lamb and Merino wool producer Floyd Legge, Cudal, echoed Mr Jackson’s sentiments saying, given the release of the 2023
Graziers and crews fatigued as fourth Flinders fire starts

Graziers and crews fatigued as fourth Flinders fire starts

Crews are working to contain a fourth fire that has sparked in the Flinders Shire, stretching already fatigued graziers and
AWGA jumps back on board with AWI | The Land

AWGA jumps back on board with AWI | The Land

The main platform for the campaign is social media, with AWGA sharing its digital flyer via its personal connections, as
Harvest ramps up after rain delays

Harvest ramps up after rain delays

The estimated total WA harvest tonnage is just over 14.5 million tonnes, down 445,000t on the October estimates. Click to
Rain band could be best in a year for inland Queensland

Rain band could be best in a year for inland

Weather models are being refreshed constantly as inland Queensland anxiously waits on what could be the best rain for a
Elgin Park Lorenza is grand champ heifer at Busselton Show | Farm Weekly

Elgin Park Lorenza is grand champ heifer at Busselton Show

The grand champion heifer and champion European heifer was Elgin Park Lorenza exhibited by the Elgin Park stud, Elgin. With
Queensland farmers celebrate national agriculture day | Photos

Queensland farmers celebrate national agriculture day | Photos

The Queensland Farmers Federation has celebrated national agriculture day with a particular focus on technology. Click to check the original