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Brahman weaner steers top at 274c at Charters Towers | North Queensland Register

Brahman weaner steers top at 274c at Charters Towers |

Steers under 200kg reached 274c to average 246c, steers 200 – 320kg sold to 274c, averaging 195c, steers 320 –
Shane Knuth recovers stolen car and pleads for relocation sentencing | North Queensland Register

Shane Knuth recovers stolen car and pleads for relocation sentencing

Mr Knuth’s grey Prado, complete with political signage, was stolen in the early hours of Monday morning outside a hotel
Poll Dorset, Texel and Suffolk rams in Kojonup sale | Farm Weekly

Poll Dorset, Texel and Suffolk rams in Kojonup sale |

With the $2400 top-priced JimJan Texel sire were buyer Ellen Walker (left), Warranine Park, Brookton, holding daughter Matilda de Gruchy
Out and about at the Coonamble Cup

Out and about at the Coonamble Cup

A large crowd headed to the Coonamble Cup on Sunday. Click to check the original article.
Jubilee park is crowned new home for Mt Isa Dirtbike Club | The North West Star

Jubilee park is crowned new home for Mt Isa Dirtbike

“Council unanimously endorsed the lease of the former Spanish Club to the Mount Isa Dirt Bike Club. With a robust
Weaner steers make 227.2c/$580 at Silverdale

Weaner steers make 227.2c/$580 at Silverdale

A very good run of heavy steers and full mouth bullocks came to hand this week Click to check the
Abattoir future still in the balance

Abattoir future still in the balance

“They haven’t made any noises about coming back or walking away from it, so we aren’t sure where it’s all
The Burdekin’s rising groundwater and salt inundation could turn fertile farmland into wasteland | Queensland Country Life

The Burdekin’s rising groundwater and salt inundation could turn fertile

“This includes Sunwater delivering the Lower Burdekin Rising Groundwater Mitigation Project, to investigate and pilot off-farm actions to mitigate rising
Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock make to 270c, average 235c at Dalby | Queensland Country Life

Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock make to

Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock made to 270c to average 235c with poor quality lines at 150c/kg.
Yearling heifers reach 180c at Mareeba

Yearling heifers reach 180c at Mareeba

The yarding was drawn from Kowanyama, Aurukun, Mt Garnet, Einasleigh and local and coastal areas. Click to check the original
The Burdekin’s rising groundwater and salt inundation could turn fertile farmland into wasteland | North Queensland Register

The Burdekin’s rising groundwater and salt inundation could turn fertile

“This includes Sunwater delivering the Lower Burdekin Rising Groundwater Mitigation Project, to investigate and pilot off-farm actions to mitigate rising
Ag’s change of face, powerline safety fears, a spring in lamb sales and drenching sheep with worms; Getting the Upper Land episode 14 | The Land

Ag’s change of face, powerline safety fears, a spring in

Deliberately drenching sheep with worms has brought some promising results for a Victorian producer. Matt Kelly, Low Footprint Lamb, Croxton