Blog Post

Farrer sets new record top price at annual on-property sale

Farrer sets new record top price at annual on-property sale

Rams went to five different states. Click to check the original article.
Mixed fortunes at Grafton store sale

Mixed fortunes at Grafton store sale

There is no respite for store cattle prices but recent storm rain has boosted buyer confidence to some degree at
Sweet deal for sugar exporters as UK drops tariffs

Sweet deal for sugar exporters as UK drops tariffs

UK scraps tariffs on Australian sugar exports after half a century. Click to check the original article.
End of an era with Strawberry Hill Stud dispersal

End of an era with Strawberry Hill Stud dispersal

The depth of his Strawberry Hill Stud dispersal underlined John Singleton’s valuable contribution to Australia’s Thoroughbred industry. Click to check
CQ Santa breeder tops Twynam and Barnett Angus bidding

CQ Santa breeder tops Twynam and Barnett Angus bidding

The genetics of a bull that a central Queensland Santa Gertrudis studmaster imported to Australia from the US saw him
Standards for compliance and animal welfare set at Birdsville Races | The North West Star

Standards for compliance and animal welfare set at Birdsville Races

A total of five QRIC stewards attended the iconic country racing event to provide stewarding, judging and clerk of the
First 20 lots: Millah Murrah off to a strong start

First 20 lots: Millah Murrah off to a strong start

The first 20 lots have sold to a very strong average at the Millah Murrah 35th annual on-farm stud bull
RBA decision a good move according to peak property body

RBA decision a good move according to peak property body

Farmers and home owners can take a breath with interest rates holding steady. Click to check the original article.
Millah Murrah sale gets off to a strong start

Millah Murrah sale gets off to a strong start

The first 20 lots have sold to a very strong average at the Millah Murrah 35th annual on-farm stud bull
Negotiations continue on Condobolin's Glenkerry, Kurrajong Brae

Negotiations continue on Condobolin's Glenkerry, Kurrajong Brae

Negotiations are continuing on the Condobolin property Glenkerry and Kurrajong Brae at Tottenham, which were both passed in at auction
Charters Towers’s venue for Rural Women Unite fundraiser for mental health service | Queensland Country Life

Charters Towers’s venue for Rural Women Unite fundraiser for mental

Judith Maizey has worked as a journalist and communications specialist for more than 30 years mostly throughout Queensland including Townsville,
Latest developments in self-propelled spraying on show at Dowerin

Latest developments in self-propelled spraying on show at Dowerin

HARDI technology uses a drone to geolocate weeds, the data is transferred to the sprayer which knows where they are