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More detections Varroa detections, plus hive move plans

More detections Varroa detections, plus hive move plans

The latest detection of Varroa mite has added yet another new location to the list of infested areas. Click to
Percentile Cup now open to all state school students | Queensland Country Life

Percentile Cup now open to all state school students |

“The original draft document did not support the attendance of state school students at the high school Percentile Cup, whereas
Texas A&M research on temperament raises eyebrows at NBRUC | North Queensland Register

Texas A&M research on temperament raises eyebrows at NBRUC |

More recently, Texas A&M University researchers assessed maternal aggressiveness shortly after parturition. In that work, cows with the best scores
Texas A&M research on temperament raises eyebrows at NBRUC | Queensland Country Life

Texas A&M research on temperament raises eyebrows at NBRUC |

More recently, Texas A&M University researchers assessed maternal aggressiveness shortly after parturition. In that work, cows with the best scores
Texas A&M research on temperament raises eyebrows at NBRUC | Farm Weekly

Texas A&M research on temperament raises eyebrows at NBRUC |

More recently, Texas A&M University researchers assessed maternal aggressiveness shortly after parturition. In that work, cows with the best scores
Texas A&M research on temperament raises eyebrows at NBRUC | The Land

Texas A&M research on temperament raises eyebrows at NBRUC |

More recently, Texas A&M University researchers assessed maternal aggressiveness shortly after parturition. In that work, cows with the best scores
Corrigin community launches February Firestorm, Voices from the Smoke book | Farm Weekly

Corrigin community launches February Firestorm, Voices from the Smoke book

The women behind February Firestorm, Voices from the Smoke, Kellie Bell (left), Val Downing, Jenny Pitman, Sue Courboules and Jackie
'Never looked back': Far from home, Chappel finds his place in the world

'Never looked back': Far from home, Chappel finds his place

Hayden Chappel’s decision to leave Victoria and move to Inverell has paid off handsomely. Click to check the original article.
Roma dad celebrates Father's Day with pint-sized son

Roma dad celebrates Father's Day with pint-sized son

A baby boy born weighing less than a tub of butter and born 13 weeks early will spend Father’s Day
Talk of the Town: Showgirl movement should be celebrated

Talk of the Town: Showgirl movement should be celebrated

Like ACM does, please continue to celebrate these amazing women of the Showgirl movement. Click to check the original article.
What happens to a bush church in the afterlife?

What happens to a bush church in the afterlife?

A new wave of regional custodians are transforming bush churches. Click to check the original article.
Shed safety part of southern field days

Shed safety part of southern field days

Shearing shed safety review to be featured in action-packed field days agenda. Click to check the original article.