Blog Post

Offal sensing tech gives full carcase utlisation a boost | The Land

Offal sensing tech gives full carcase utlisation a boost |

FROM thyroid capsules to beauty products, the markets for beef and sheep offal are expanding. So too the amount consumers
New rates categories aim to counteract Mount Isa's valuation rises

New rates categories aim to counteract Mount Isa's valuation rises

Mount Isa City Council has introduced new rating categories, which it says will reduce the impact of high land valuations
Bruce Highway shut after triple fatality

Bruce Highway shut after triple fatality

Police received calls just before 4am of the crash. Click to check the original article.
Bowen Poll Herefords average $13,928 | Queensland Country Life

Bowen Poll Herefords average $13,928 | Queensland Country Life

Bidgel Grazing Company, Elvanbrook, St George, Queensland, bought 10 bulls from the Angus catalogue with a top price of $22,000,
Micro-irrigation system key to water efficiency

Micro-irrigation system key to water efficiency

The number of farmers trialling alternative irrigation systems continues to grow. Click to check the original article.
Record rescue year for Mount Isa LifeFlight chopper crew

Record rescue year for Mount Isa LifeFlight chopper crew

Mount Isa’s RACQ LifeFlight Rescue helicopter crew came to the aid of a record 96 people last financial year, outstripping
New pasture resilience program to help beef productivity | Queensland Country Life

New pasture resilience program to help beef productivity | Queensland

The Queensland Pasture Resilience Program (QPRP) is a partnership between the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Meat and
Fingers crossed we've hit the market bottom | Stock Talk

Fingers crossed we've hit the market bottom | Stock Talk

With the markets continuing their downward trends, a positive in the Southern Tablelands is the recent rain. Click to check
Bowen Poll Herefords average $13,928 while Bowen Angus average $14,147 | The Land

Bowen Poll Herefords average $13,928 while Bowen Angus average $14,147

Bidgel Grazing Company, Elvanbrook, St George, Queensland, bought 10 bulls from the Angus catalogue with a top price of $22,000,
Grafton bullocks sell to $1753

Grafton bullocks sell to $1753

Mid winter cattle prices continue to bounce along the bottom, with some sectors up on June and others back as
Marie Vitelli retires after 40 years of rural advocacy | Queensland Country Life

Marie Vitelli retires after 40 years of rural advocacy |

Over the course of her career, Ms Vitelli has covered many major issues, such as environment relative activity standards, vertebrate
Increased reports of bush and grass fires ahead of danger period

Increased reports of bush and grass fires ahead of danger

Increase in bush and grass fire incidents across the Northern Tablelands, with over 100 incidents reported in the past three