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Wugudaji Adel's Grove postpone reopening by a fortnight

Wugudaji Adel's Grove postpone reopening by a fortnight

Wugudaji Adel’s Grove will not reopen until July 14. Click to check the original article.
Mass dung beetle kills means more flies in summer

Mass dung beetle kills means more flies in summer

Flood-hit communities will see an influx of flies this summer after millions of dung beetles were wiped out. Click to
Public support for live export evident in petitions | Farm Weekly

Public support for live export evident in petitions | Farm

During the sitting of the Legislative Assembly, Mr Rundle proposed a motion that: “This house calls on the Premier to
State government's latest scheme to ease the burden on regional NSW

State government's latest scheme to ease the burden on regional

The NSW premier was in Dubbo on Friday to make the announcement. Click to check the original article.
Around the ring: All the results from the 2023 Rockhampton Junior Beef Show

Around the ring: All the results from the 2023 Rockhampton

Get all the results from the annual Australian Brahman Breeders’ Association Junior Beef Show Rockhampton for 2023 Click to check
Truck, van collide on the Olympic Highway

Truck, van collide on the Olympic Highway

Police are diverting traffic. Click to check the original article.
Speckle Park cow wows at Woodford show

Speckle Park cow wows at Woodford show

Check out all the results from the Woodford, Mudgeeraba and Caboolture shows. Click to check the original article.
CBH buys more trains to boost capacity

CBH buys more trains to boost capacity

The CBH Group has ordered more rolling stock to boost its grain handling capacity. Click to check the original article.
CBH buys more train stock to boost capacity

CBH buys more train stock to boost capacity

The CBH Group has ordered more train rolling stock to boost its grain handling capacity Click to check the original
Career day for school students busted myths about working in agriculture: | The Land

Career day for school students busted myths about working in

“When interacting with students from other schools to brainstorm ideas around engaging young people in the agricultural industry, it became
Racing down the Murray in a kayak

Racing down the Murray in a kayak

“Every day there is a moment you want to give up and go home.” Click to check the original article.
Council commits to five year economic strategy

Council commits to five year economic strategy

The plan, titled “Mount Isa, Moving Ahead”, contained several initiatives focused on attracting greater levels of investment from industry and