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QFF Energy Savers Aspley Nursery Case Study

QFF Energy Savers Aspley Nursery Case Study

Aspley Nursery have installed a solar hot water system, replaced some fluorescent lights with LEDs and replaced their main …
Prescription mapping for variability in vegetables

Prescription mapping for variability in vegetables

Prescription maps are a powerful tool for managing variability on your farm. The end result is a much better understanding
QFF Energy Savers Lower Burdekin Water Case Study

QFF Energy Savers Lower Burdekin Water Case Study

In this case study, David Sartori from Lower Burdekin Water explains how they have reduced energy consumption by 40% by
Sprinkler and End Gauge

Sprinkler and End Gauge

Simon White, DAF Queensland explains the impact of different sprinkler types on a centre pivot in water infiltration and runoff.
QFF Energy Savers Linton Cane Case Study

QFF Energy Savers Linton Cane Case Study

This case study shows how a Burdekin Cane Farm is reducing irrigation energy costs by around $5000 per year with
QFF Energy Savers Clare Melon Case Study

QFF Energy Savers Clare Melon Case Study

This case study shows how a Clare melon farm is reducing energy costs thanks to the energy savings program. The
UQ/DAF Gatton Research Dairy C4 Milk: High milk from forage development trial

UQ/DAF Gatton Research Dairy C4 Milk: High milk from forage

Find out what the C4Milk Queensland DAF dairy team set out to achieve in their ‘high milk from forage’ developmental
C4 Milk Animal Development Trial – Phase 1 Update

C4 Milk Animal Development Trial – Phase 1 Update

Follow the progress of the ‘high milk from forage’ developmental trial that has just reached the start of Phase 2