Blog Post

About NQ Dry Tropics

About NQ Dry Tropics

Information about the host organisation NQ Dry Tropics for interested graduates in the Agricultural Extension Work Placement … source
About Reef Catchments

About Reef Catchments

Information for interested graduates about the host organisation Reef Catchments to apply for a position in the Agricultural … source
Monitoring lemon consignments

Monitoring lemon consignments

Fifth-generation citrus grower, Greg Parr, and his family know a thing or two about growing citrus with the family’s farming
About AgriTech Solutions

About AgriTech Solutions

Information for graduates about the host organisation AgriTech Solutions to apply for a position in the Agricultural Extension Work …
GRASS – better land management

GRASS – better land management

The grazing resilience and sustainable solutions (GRASS) project is designed to assist graziers improve the condition of … source
Information session- RJSA AEWPP

Information session- RJSA AEWPP

Recording of the information session held on the 14 of December 2020. It provides information for graduates interested in the
Shining the light on avocado productivity

Shining the light on avocado productivity

As part of the Queensland Government led Small Tree High Productivity Initiative, researchers have examined the impact of light …