Blog Post

Production costs: A summary of the 2013 to 2019 seasons

Production costs: A summary of the 2013 to 2019 seasons

Cost data has been collected annually since 2013 as part of the macadamia industry’s national benchmarking project. Over the …
Lifting productivity through rejuvenation with Trevor Martin

Lifting productivity through rejuvenation with Trevor Martin

In recent years many macadamia growers have undertaken, or at least considered, orchard rejuvenation to improve tree health … source
Microgrids in Agriculture Webinar  – August 4, 2021

Microgrids in Agriculture Webinar – August 4, 2021

QFF, Cotton Australia, Reaqua, and Constructive Energy present a recording of the Microgrids in Agriculture Webinar held on 4 …
Protecting your avocado trees from Phytophthora root rot: effective application of phosphorous acid

Protecting your avocado trees from Phytophthora root rot: effective application

Phytophthora root rot is a major issue for the avocado industry. The application of phosphorous acid forms an essential part
Min till cane planting

Min till cane planting

Neil Halpin, team leader with the Coastal Farming Systems team at the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), talks about