Blog Post

Biofumigation in vegetable systems

Biofumigation in vegetable systems

Biofumigation is the practice of growing specialised green manure cover crops for soil health benefits. Biofumigation adds organic … source
Cover cropping in vegetable crops

Cover cropping in vegetable crops

Using cover cropping in vegetable farming systems can protect soil from runoff and erosion. Watch this video from the Department
Breedcow and Dynama herd budgeting software

Breedcow and Dynama herd budgeting software

Breedcow and Dynama herd budgeting software developed by economists from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, … source
Bacterial diseases of lettuce

Bacterial diseases of lettuce

Presented by Dr Rebecca Roach from the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries as part of the webinar ‘Disease …
Lettuce necrotic yellows virus—are you ready?

Lettuce necrotic yellows virus—are you ready?

Presented by Dr Paul Campbell from the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries as part of the webinar ‘Disease …