Volume buyers included the Whitely family, Cudal, who bout four rams to a $2800 top to average $2500; SKH Farming through Elders Walgett bought six rams to a top of $1500 to average $1400; P.L. and I.M. Weston, Cumnock, bought 10 rams to a $1500 top to average $1440, Reedy Creek Partners, Mandagery, bought four rams to a $2400 top to average $1575, R.H. Orr and Sons, Parkes, bought four to a $2800 top to average $1975; Coorah Partnership, Larras Lee, bought nine rams to a $2400 top to average $1856, and Ostini Pastoral, Ophir, bought four to a $1500 top to average $1275.