Blog Post

Dubbo sale 31 August 2023: Good quality in 4520 head yarding

Yarding 4520 Change + 407

Young cattle were the majority in a pretty good quality yarding with good numbers of trade cattle to suit the processors and feeders.

There was also a good selection of cows along with a limited supply of grown steers.

Young cattle to the trade were up to 9c dearer with vealers selling to 357c/kg.

Prime steer yearlings sold from 308c to 349c while the prime heifer yearlings sold to 337c/kg.

Young feeders were 4c to 6c dearer with the feeder steers selling from 291c to 355c while the feeder heifers sold from 270c to 344c/kg.

A limited selection of young steers to…

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