The early April 2021-drop, AI-bred bull weighed in at 806 kilograms and has estimated breeding values (EBVs) of +6.9 for calving ease direct, +3.8 for calving ease daughters, -6.0 gestation length (GL), +3.9 birthweight (BWT), +55, +89 and +122 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +117 mature cow weight (MCW), +13 milk, +1.6 scrotal size, -3.9 days to calving (DTC), +69 carcase weight (CWT), +3.5 EMA, +0.2 rib fat, -0.2 rump fat, +0.3 retail beef yield (RBY), +1.1 IMF, +0.12 feed efficiency (NFI-F), +20 docility (DOC), +0.60 claw set, +0.7 foot angle and +1.02 leg angle.