Weaner steers reach 378c/kg at Roma
There were 8635 cattle offered at Roma onTuesday. Click to check the original article.
There were 8635 cattle offered at Roma onTuesday. Click to check the original article.
The 2023 Nowra Show Young Woman and Zone 2 representative at this year’s Sydney Royal, Lisa Horner, updated guests on what she has been up to over the last nine months since winning the young woman title and the opportunities the program has given her. Click to check the original article.
Lachlan Graham NEW South Wales branded beef and lamb supply chain, Argyle Foods Group, has announced a new carbon arm of the business – starting with work on its own properties before making it available to other producers. Co-chief executive officer Lachlan Graham presented at this week’s Nature Based Solutions conference in Brisbane, giving an […]
Carbon MLA to launch Carbon EDGE program for red meat producers Meat & Livestock Australia is launching a new program called Carbon EDGE for Australian red meat producers, an addition to the industry’s well-known EDGE network training program including Business EDGE, Breeding EDGE, Nutrition EDGE and Grazing Land Management EDGE…Read More Beef Central, 13/07/2023 Click […]
A commercial operator offloaded one of the largest number of steers that have been sold in Gracemere’s selling complex. Click to check the original article.
Judith Maizey has worked as a journalist and communications specialist for more than 30 years mostly throughout Queensland including Townsville, Longreach, Emerald, Rockhampton, Toowoomba and Brisbane. Working for the North Queensland Register, she is always up for a chat and loves a good story. Contact 0417 546 616. E: [email protected] Judith Maizey has worked as […]
Judith Maizey has worked as a journalist and communications specialist for more than 30 years mostly throughout Queensland including Townsville, Longreach, Emerald, Rockhampton, Toowoomba and Brisbane. Working for the North Queensland Register, she is always up for a chat and loves a good story. Contact 0417 546 616. E: [email protected] Judith Maizey has worked as […]
There was a yarding of 310 at Eumundi last week. Click to check the original article.
Granite Vale, a 3968 hectare calf factory, has sold after auction for more than $14 million. Click to check the original article.
'Yes' and 'no' cases in full voice as pitches revealed Click to check the original article.
Professor Calma has also been appointed to the new Aged Care Taskforce. Click to check the original article.
It is predicted the Kwinana zone will produce about 8,070,000t, followed by Albany with 4,575,000t, Esperance with 3,175,000t and Geraldton with 2,319,000t. Click to check the original article.