North-west buyers return for Glenlea bulls
A top price of $11,500 was achieved at the Winton bull sale last Friday. Click to check the original article.
A top price of $11,500 was achieved at the Winton bull sale last Friday. Click to check the original article.
Ponded pastures on Granite Vale, showing the characteristic shallow earth banks holding back water ONE of the northern beef industry’s showcase examples of ponded pasture development has sold soon after auction for around $14.1 million in Rockhampton today. Granite Vale, almost 4000ha of freehold country near St Lawrence, north of Rockhampton, has been developed […]
The First Draft takes a look at some of the weekly highlights across the markets. Click to check the original article.
A group of AgriFutures Horizon Scholars recently toured the Atherton Tablelands, where they were given an insight into the region’s agriculture and rural industries. Click to check the original article.
AgGrow Agronomy and Research director Barry Haskins (left), Griffith, New South Wales and Pacific Seeds national canola technical manager Justin Kudnig, said they were impressed by the performance of the new hybrid Hyola Continuum CL which yielded 5.625 tonnes per hectare in 2022 AgGrow research canola trials. Click to check the original article.
‘The horse was depressed, uncoordinated, had a nasal discharge and high temperatures.’ Click to check the original article.
So far it has been confirmed that multiple vehicles including cars and caravans have been involved. Click to check the original article.
Yarding 8650 Change +985 A lift of 1000 head saw numbers to 8650 at Roma this week. The yarding was dominated by yearling steers and overall quality was good with cattle drawn from local areas and the far west. Restocker support from north west and central Queensland helped keep prices firm on light weight yearling […]
The nation’s largest valencia orange grower says Australia’s labour schemes are not addressing the “massive” shortage of workers, particularly in the horticultural sector. Grove Juice general manager Greg Quinn told the Australian Ag Podcast there needed to be more focus around increasing skilled labour. “Certainly the Pacific Island scheme is good and it’s working very […]
See who was out and about at the Fitzroy Community Hospice charity function in Rockhampton. Click to check the original article.
Mr Everitt put forward a motion at the NSW Farmers conference at Rosehill Gardens on Tuesday, asking that the association require grain testing at receival sites to be conducted by and/or supervised by an independently trained and experienced person that has received documented training from an accredited, registered training organisation. Click to check the original […]
A woman has died following a single-vehicle crash in Mudgee today, Tuesday July 18. Click to check the original article.