Shalimar Park claims national grand champion fleece title
It’s the first time the stud has won the award. Click to check the original article.
It’s the first time the stud has won the award. Click to check the original article.
The Innisfail show got off to a wet start yesterday as the showers opened up as the first spectators walked through the gates. Except for war and COVID the show which has been running since 1912 and has continued to be more popular than ever. The event which continues today under drier skies is expected […]
John Blake (left), western panel consultant, GRDC, Nick Poole, managing director, FAR Australia, Kieran Allison, winner of the highest yield in both the wheat and barley categories, Jon Midwood, southern panel consultant, GRDC, Ben Webb, winner of the highest potential yield in the wheat category, Charles Caldwell, winner of the highest potential yield in the […]
Supreme champion bull Kel-Lee A Boxer with owner Kellie Williams, Kel-Lee Droughtmasters, judge Paul Laycock, and front, NQ Showgirl Jessie Gofton, 2023 Atherton Showgirl Taylah Dalgety, and 2023 North Queensland Rural Ambasador Rikki Payne. Photo by Lea Coghlan Click to check the original article.
The DPI confirmed the detection this morning. Click to check the original article.
Supreme champion bull Kel-Lee A Boxer with owner Kellie Williams, Kel-Lee Droughtmasters, judge Paul Laycock, and front, NQ Showgirl Jessie Gofton, 2023 Atherton Showgirl Taylah Dalgety, and 2023 North Queensland Rural Ambasador Rikki Payne. Photo by Lea Coghlan Click to check the original article.
Commencing operations in 2017, Yagurli Tours was created by the Gangalidda and Garawa Peoples who had a desire to tap into the travel market, increasing visitor numbers, employment opportunities and expanding the knowledge of indigenous cultures in the Gulf. Click to check the original article.
A panel of producers spoke on the topic at the AgForce Biosecurity Summit on Tuesday. Click to check the original article.
Introducing a program that tracks and measures livestock data and selecting sires that promote fertility and weight gains will play a vital role in a well-planned soil carbon project in Far North Queensland Click to check the original article.
Introducing a program that tracks and measures livestock data and selecting sires that promote fertility and weight gains will play a vital role in a well-planned soil carbon project in Far North Queensland Click to check the original article.
A central Queensland grower has planted a large swathe of canola for the first time this season. Click to check the original article.
The 69th annual Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course in Bryan-College Station will offer some cutting-edge information and ranch technology, along with basic beef cattle production information. The annual event is set for Aug. 7-9, with more than 1,900 cattle producers expected to come to the Texas A&M University campus, making it the largest event of its kind in […]