AgForce aim to fill biosecurity knowledge gap in peri-urban areas
AgForce have already held several workshops to address the knowledge gap in peri-urban areas. Click to check the original article.
AgForce have already held several workshops to address the knowledge gap in peri-urban areas. Click to check the original article.
Yarding 4990 Change +3451 Export buyer attendance was good with two additional southern export processors active in the market. The regular feed and trade plus restocker buyers were also present and operating. Light weight yearling steers and heifers followed the trend of other selling centres and sold to limited support. However yearling steers and heifers […]
Governments to set own timeframes for the phase-out of caged egged farming across the country. Click to check the original article.
Six people have been taken in to custody following an alleged joy ride involving a car stolen from a Mount Isa caravan park. Click to check the original article.
A new bursary has been launched in honour of the late cattle producer and industry advocate Ashley McKay OAM to provide academic and professional development opportunities for year 12 students and individuals engaged in the agricultural sector. The Ashley McKay Memorial Bursary will be awarded to two individuals per year and is funded by the […]
Qld authorities say they stopped 387 vehicles on the Northern Territory border in the three days after Territory Day as part of a crackdown on illegal fireworks entering the state. Click to check the original article.
The Lexus Melbourne Cup will travel to North West Queensland this weekend. Click to check the original article.
Cattle Australia fully supports the Federal Government’s decision overnight, to reject the European Union trade deal put on the table in Brussels. As reported on Beef Central yesterday, the second round of high level talks between Australian and EU officials to finalise a free trade agreement have stalled, with Canberra not willing to accept a […]
Sales of heifers included 11 Jarobee-blood Angus weighing 331kg for $1050 when offered by PM and EJ Scammell, Bethanga, Vic; N and B Mitchell Partnership, Walwa, sold 12 black baldy heifers weighing 310kg for $1015, and Coolangatta Pastoral Company, Burrumbuttock, received $780 for their pen of 16 Charolais, eight to nine months and weighing 271kg. […]
A 47,100 hectare exclusion fenced property has sold at auction for $6.1 million. Click to check the original article.
Average wool yield in WA improved by just 0.1pc, to 63pc, and trailed the national average yield of 65.9pc, with average WA vegetable matter (VM) contamination at 1.9pc, up by 0.2pc on the previous season, but remaining the lowest in Australia, with the national average at 2.4pc. Click to check the original article.
More corn supply means more corn can potentially flow into feed demand that may otherwise consider using wheat says Clear Grain Exchange. Click to check the original article.