Export slaughter weight cattle dearer at Monto
Cattle were drawn from all local areas, Biloela, Rockhampton and The Boyne Valley. Click to check the original article.
Cattle were drawn from all local areas, Biloela, Rockhampton and The Boyne Valley. Click to check the original article.
National exporter Techwool Trading was the biggest buyer at the WWC for the season with 46,538 bales or 16.5pc of the offering purchased, followed by local trader PJ Morris Wools with 16.3pc, Tianyu Wool (12.6pc), Endeavour Wool Exports (10.4pc), Westcoast Wool & Livestock (6.9pc), Swan Wool Processors (6.6pc), Meliwa (6.5pc), Sequoia materials (6.1pc) and Fremantle […]
THE Graeme Acton Beef Connections mentoring project being held in the lead-up to Beef 2024 in Rockhampton next May is underway, and as part of that process, Beef Central is following the journey of one of the ten talented young industry stakeholders taking part. Phoebe-Eckermann Using a monthly diary format, South Australia’s Phoebe Eckerman will […]
Farmers feel more likely to face threats as the cage-egg debate continues. Click to check the original article.
Riding through Tamworth, Wayne Mills shared what Legacy did for his family. Click to check the original article.
JAPAN’S largest port, a major entry point for Australian export beef, has partially resumed operations after being hit by a cyber attack earlier this week. Ships, containers and delivery vehicles started to back-up at the Port of Nagoya on Tuesday. Port operations were partially resumed yesterday, but would not get back to full activity until […]
NSW Farmers claims there’s been no move towards improved food security in ten years Click to check the original article.
Macintyre Brook Lamb is the realisation of the young family’s dream to provide consumers with a nutritious yet delicious protein that is produced with a strong environmental conscience, and the couple’s children, Dusty, 10, Ned, 9, and Banjo, 5, all play their part on the property and get a kick out of knowing their lamb […]
An AgriFutures Australia study has highlighted the urgency for the industry to work with young people Click to check the original article.
Richard Kearns was reported missing from the region on Tuesday July 4. Click to check the original article.
These increases in membership numbers have also been felt at a national level, with direct support for Grain Producers Australia (GPA), which represents the interests of an estimated 22,500 levy-paying grain producers across Australia, increasing by more than 30 per cent over the past year. Click to check the original article.
Light weight yearling steers to restockers made to 380c to average 351c and poor quality lines 265c/kg. Yearling steers under 330kg returning to the paddock averaged 342c and sold to 368c/kg. Medium and heavy weight yearling steers to feed averaged 326c with sales to 336c/kg. Click to check the original article.