Blog Post

Will model bring more doctors to the bush and cut wait times? | The Land

The Government believes the initiative will achieve this by making it more attractive for junior doctors to enter the Rural Generalist Training Pathway. Rural generalists are GPs who provide primary care services, emergency medicine and have training in additional skills like obstetrics, anaesthetics or mental health services. Click to check the original article.

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The Utterly Inessential Wimbledon Shopping List

We’ve rounded up all the utterly inessential products — posh tennis gear, in other words — that you absolutely do not need to enjoy Wimbledon, but would probably fancy having anyway. If there’s one thing that truly spells summer, it’s the appearance of strawberries in the supermarket, picnic blankets from the back cupboards and a tennis racket […]

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Adam Giles: Inside Gina Rinehart’s beef empire

Hancock Agriculture chief executive Adam Giles and James Wagstaff discuss free-trade agreements, animal welfare and what’s ahead for the iconic S Kidman and Co brand. Texas Angus’ Ben and Wendy Mayne lean in ‘Over the Fence’ to chat about potential bull price fortunes in a deflated cattle market. Click to check the original article.

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Weekly genetics review: Are bull temperament scores misleading?

  I WAS recently contacted by a bull breeder with several concerns around the issue of docility and selection for temperament. Temperament is consistently the most important trait producers consider when selecting a new bull, surveys show. The Australian Beef Breeding Insights survey was a co-funded project backed by the MLA Donor Company and Angus […]

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Overlay project hopes to uncover new cow body composition traits

AGBU’s Dr Matt Wolcott is exploiting this opportunity to try to fill the crucial gap in understanding relationships around female condition and productivity, using the female reference population from the Southern Multi Breed project   BREEDPLAN genetic evaluation provides a pretty good description of animals before they enter the reproductive phase of their life. However […]

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NVLX Wodonga 4 July 2023: Domestic buying activity patchy

File picture of selling action at Wodonga. Yarding 900 Change 0 The usual winter group of export and domestic buyers were at the sale. There was slightly more demand for heavy export cattle if they were well finished and under two years old. Domestic buying activity was patchy and vealers bore the brunt of significantly cheaper […]

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