Wugudaji Adel's Grove postpone reopening by a fortnight
Wugudaji Adel’s Grove will not reopen until July 14. Click to check the original article.
Wugudaji Adel’s Grove will not reopen until July 14. Click to check the original article.
Flood-hit communities will see an influx of flies this summer after millions of dung beetles were wiped out. Click to check the original article.
A cattle rancher who admitted to defrauding the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) of fees in a grazing scheme has been sentenced to four years of probation, fined $35,000 and ordered to pay $143,714 restitution, U.S. Attorney for the District of Montana Jesse Laslovich announced. The government alleged in court documents that between 2017 and […]
SDSU Extension is inviting cattle producers, allied industry professionals or anyone interested in feeding cattle to attend the annual South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association Feeder Council feedlot tour on July 20 near Baltic, South Dakota. The day will include two tours of eastern South Dakota feedlot facilities. The first tour starts at 2 p.m. CDT at […]
Sometimes our homes can get too big for us, meaning it’s time to downsize. James Fisher speaks to those involved with the process to get their advice on how to know it’s the right time. ‘It happened really quite quickly I think,’ says Nick Hewer. ‘I’m going to be 80 in February, so something clicked. […]
At an agriculture roundtable in Des Moines, Iowa, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack announced $115 million in federal funds to help expand independent meat and poultry processing capacity. The funds will be provided to 15 businesses through the Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program and Meat and Poultry Intermediary Lending Program. “While American farmers and ranchers […]
During the sitting of the Legislative Assembly, Mr Rundle proposed a motion that: “This house calls on the Premier to stand up for Western Australians and outline his plan to defend the live sheep export trade against the Albanese Government’s ideological attack, which is already crippling regional communities and businesses reliant upon this $130 million […]
Get all the results from the annual Australian Brahman Breeders’ Association Junior Beef Show Rockhampton for 2023 Click to check the original article.
The NSW premier was in Dubbo on Friday to make the announcement. Click to check the original article.
Police are diverting traffic. Click to check the original article.
AUSTRALIA’S largest soil carbon project holder has put forward three of its producers for a research project looking at the viability of soil carbon farming across the country. AgriProve has been given a $150,000 grant by Meat & Livestock Australia to conduct a six-year Producer Demonstration Site research project explore how sequestering carbon in soils […]
Weekly Grill podcast host Kerry Lonergan turns up the heat on the woman regarded by many as the ‘voice of the bush’ in Canberra, Senator Susan McDonald. Senator Susan McDonald who chaired the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs committee inquiry into meat labelling. Among the broad topics discussed, Sen McDonald was the chair of the […]