Highly productive country for 5000 sheep
Highly productive and well appointed grazing property Tara has an estimated carrying capacity of 5000 dry sheep equivalents. Click to check the original article.
Highly productive and well appointed grazing property Tara has an estimated carrying capacity of 5000 dry sheep equivalents. Click to check the original article.
Waanyi man and Chairman of the Waanyi Native Title Aboriginal Corporation Alec Doomadgee said he was looking forward to a ‘brighter future’. Click to check the original article.
Watch the livestream from your home. Click to check the original article.
The process to determine drought declarations in Queensland will be reviewed. Click to check the original article.
“The review of Local Drought Committees, how drought declarations are made and how they can best support our agricultural industries is an important step in making sure support for farmers to prepare for and manage drought is modern and fit-for-purpose,” Mr Furner said. Click to check the original article.
New Holland is offering discounted subscription on its Precision Land Management 3 package. Photo: New Holland END-OF-FINANCIAL-YEAR deals are focussing producers’ minds on precision technology, new tractors and grain sensors. In addition to the Federal Government’s Temporary Full-Expensing Scheme, a beefed-up instant asset write-off, manufacturers are dangling some tax-time sweeteners for cashed-up producers. New Holland […]
Yarding 3235 Change +85 Cattle numbers at Dalby remained relatively close to the previous week at 3,235 head. All the usual buyers were in attendance and operating. Most classes sold to a dearer trend. Yearling steers returning to the paddock and feed gained 10c to 15c/kg. Light weight yearling heifers to restockers improved the most […]
The larger panel of buyers of the previous week returned and all were operating. Click to check the original article.
There are important updates on inflation coming up from across the world, which include Japan, Canada, Europe and the US, all of which will be closely scrutinised by markets and central banks for the latest read on how sticky services price inflation is. Click to check the original article.
Free Content: The Malanda Show Ball captivated guests with its sea theme. Click to check the original article.
Precision Pasutres’ Hamish Webb explains some of the ins and outs of soil carbon farming. Photo: Mike Terry KEEPING red meat profitable and helping producers better understand the carbon market are two of the main aims for the upcoming Nature Based Solutions conference in Brisbane this July. The conference will start on July 17 with […]
IN LIGHT of last week’s large-scale issuance of soil carbon credits to two Queensland producers, it is worth looking at how much is known about the relationship between soil, carbon, agricultural management and the weather. Soil carbon has become an incredibly popular field of study in recent years, with the industry tipping in million-of-dollars to […]