Regional tech hub receives huge funding boost
The government has renewed $6m funding for the regional tech hub to help keep people in regional areas connected Click to check the original article.
The government has renewed $6m funding for the regional tech hub to help keep people in regional areas connected Click to check the original article.
The NSW government will spend an additional $80 million to protect the state from red imported fire ants. Click to check the original article.
On leaving the QGGA in the early 1990s, George set up his own consultancy, Landholder Services, initially with friend Bob Challen (who was retiring from Mt Isa Mines), then later as a sole operator. For more than 30 years, he worked with landholders statewide on hundreds of complex, often multi-year compensation and environmental negotiations with […]
Steers under 200kg reached 340c to average 330c, steers 200 – 320kg sold to 360c, averaging 294c, steers 320 – 400kg topped at 292c and averaged 260c and steers over 400kg sold to 254c to average 248c. Mickeys under 400kg sold to 325c, averaging 250c. Heifers under 200kg topped at 220c and averaged 203c, heifers […]
Cattle came from Morinish, Yaamba, Wooderson, Biloela, Duaringa, Clermont, Calliope, Gracemere, Ogmore and all other local areas throughout CQ. Click to check the original article.
There were 1022 cattle offered at Gympie on Monday. Click to check the original article.
As the reports and advice will become both politically inconvenient and expensive, I encourage the upper house to resist winding back the position’s independence and to look carefully at its architecture and funding. Biosecurity is an obvious externality for all sorts of people, with consequences typically rare, but significant. Click to check the original article.
Governments and industry bodies can use the data to develop national, State, or regionally-targeted soil programs and to inform policy decisions in areas such as drought resilience, climate adaptation, natural capital accounting and biodiversity conservation. Click to check the original article.
The request came from the Pastoralists and Graziers Association (PGA) of WA earlier this week, with the organisation’s president Tony Seabrook saying it was the “absolute minimum” the government could do for the State’s landowners of more than 1100 square metres, who will be required to work under the new legislation. Click to check the […]
Farmers are turning to breeding non-mulesed flocks for benefits. Click to check the original article.
River deep mountain high as Big Red Bash marks a decade Click to check the original article.
Poor fencing and water points were a common concern. Click to check the original article.