$400 million price tag for WA, Victorian broadacre aggregation
A record price of $400m up for grabs from WA and Victorian land sale. Click to check the original article.
A record price of $400m up for grabs from WA and Victorian land sale. Click to check the original article.
How controlling the crown of thorns starfish could help us control feral pigs Click to check the original article.
Moonya is being offered as an outstanding, economical-to-run breeding and backgrounding property. Click to check the original article.
The Decide and Thrive drought preparedness project, being delivered by the University of New England, CQUniversity and CSIRO, aims to develop regionally-relevant livestock ranking strategies that secure farm businesses into, during and out of drought, and improve natural capital in agricultural landscapes. Click to check the original article.
“This will help more people thrive in the digital age like never before.” Click to check the original article.
Published research led by Dr Mark Norton, NSW Department of Primary Industry, Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute, reporting on a 10-year study in the southern tablelands, found that topdressed lime, combined with superphosphate to correct phosphorus and sulphur deficiency, does positively impact pasture productivity. Click to check the original article.
One of the south of England’s greatest houses is among the treasures for sale via Country Life this week. Wiltshire — £18,000,000 A magnificent Grade II* listed Palladian mansion with stunning far reaching views, Phythouse is ‘one of the finest privately-owned country houses in the South of England’, according to the agents. And while that’s […]
Rose expert Charles Quest-Ritson on the delights of the rambling rose. In the village where I grew up, all the cottages grew the same pink rambling rose against their walls. Blowsy, prickly and very sweet scented, my grandmother told me that its name was ‘Albertine’, a Wichurana Rambler introduced in France in 1921, the year […]
“I was stunned to learn that the five-year survival rate of pancreatic cancer is 11.5pc., however only six per cent in rural Australia so our intention is to take the car to rural gatherings such as country shows, sporting events such as campdrafts, rodeos, race meetings etc. where people are away from their workplace, and […]
The Australian Livestock Exporters Council’s submission to the government’s live sheep phase-out panel lists pages of evidence-based reasons why the industry should not be shut down. Click to check the original article.
Biting and nipping is top of the list of issues that dog owners most fear that they’ll have to deal with. Ben Randall takes a look at the problem and the steps to put things right. A dog that is prone to nipping is probably one of the most difficult issues that any owner has […]
One of the most anticipated events at Ag-Grow field days, the Elite Horse Sale achieved a record top bid on Saturday. Click to check the original article.