Blog Post

More than 1000 scientists sign Dublin Declaration

Presenters at the two-day summit on the societal role of meat in Dublin included Declan Troy, Jason Rowntree, Willhelm Windisch, Nick Smith, PeterBallerstedt, Shirley Tarawali, Paul Wood, Neil Mann, Peer Ederer, Max Makuvise, Theo de Jager, Pablo Manzano, Diana Rodgers, Alice Stanton, Bradley Johnson and Frederic Leroy. AN article in the Nature Food journal published […]

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AA Co highlights ‘some’ asparagopsis challenges, but generally promising trial results

A red seaweed asparagopsis plant in its environment. Photo: Immersion/Nissui THE Australian Agricultural Co has given an update on its long-fed Wagyu aspargopsis methane reducing additive trial, detecting some promising methane reduction results, no evidence of negative impact on quality, but a ‘slight’ decrease in feed intake and carcase weight. This week the company released […]

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